If you’re a female entrepreneur who can easily spend HOURS in sacred feminine ritual, Tantric or Kink practice, but struggle to show up and post the reel, send the 2nd “cart is closing” email and sell consistently…

*or you spend hours watching Netflix, window shopping at Target or gallivanting in the forest…


It’s the same reason why I used to self pleasure for hours, take unnecessarily long walks (every day), lie around napping drinking lucid dream teas at 2pm…

But wasn’t getting consistent results in my business AKA making money regularly and wondering “why aren’t clients banging down my door?!”

I’d do busy work that made it SEEM like I was “working” like fucking around with graphics in Canva, changing my website logo (again), looking up fonts to use…

but couldn’t bring myself to do the actual money making actions like sending a sales email, writing content, pitching the potential client in my DMs.


You know you’re here to make fuck tons of money, be seen as a powerful leader, serve MORE people, but you’re not acting like it…

THIS is why you’re not showing up the way you desire in your business (and taking the REAL money-making actions:

You LOVE pleasure and freedom but you think working = hard, painful, boring.

You think it will take pleasure and freedom AWAY not GIVE it to you.

This is happening on an unconscious level where your nervous system is in the driver’s seat controlling your actions, thoughts, behaviors and actions with money.

Even if your GPS is programmed to the destination of $20k months or 7-figures/year your nervous system will ignore the instructions and either stay where it is currently or go where it feels most comfortable and safe.

Like driving back home to the amount you’ve been comfortably making for the past 2 years or pulling over into $10k months town for a year😂.

Taking the money-making actions like:

💸Posting a reel with a strong CTA to sell your program

💸Sending a 3rd “doors are closing” email

💸Hitting publish on your ebook and putting it up for sale

💸Finishing the emails for your 7-day sales funnel then hitting “live” so people can buy

Is actually what will GIVE you more pleasure and freedom!

But if you associate them with pain, hard work and not a valuable enough ROI (AKA more pleasure and freedom) you won’t do what’s required.

Or you’ll spin out in “I don’t know what actions to take” or “I don’t know what to post today.”

You also have to look at what you unconsciously fear is on the other side of sending that 3rd sales email.

Follow me for a second here…

— What if you get an influx of sales in your group coaching program?

— What if you have more eyes on your work, people judge you and start a Reddit thread about you?

— What if someone asks for a refund (what if EVERYONE does?)

— What if you have a calendar filled with calls, have no time for pleasure anymore and burn out?

— What if it feels like too much responsibility or too heavy and hard to hold?

— What if it all goes smoothly and something bad happens? What if the other shoe drops?

Fears like this often lurk beneath the surface in your unconscious mind and nervous system.

Logically you might think “I want $30k months!”

But your body is like “$30k months? We’ve never done that before…let’s stay where it’s safe, comfy and cozy at $10k months”

Some of the fears might be outlandish and not make any sense, but create a lot of charge in your body when you think about it happening. 

Like when I journaled on my desire to be a millionaire and this fear set off alarm bells in my body:

“What if someone kidnaps my daughter and holds her for ransom?”

It’s something you see in movies, but it felt highly charged in my body.

Your body isn’t rational. It’s primal. 

The fear that the other shoe will drop often comes from pent up survival energy (from traumatic events) that was never integrated or living in fight or flight mode over a long period of time.

When a lot of negative things have happened over a long period of your life and were never released from the body…it can create fear and trigger a survival response when good things are happening.  

If you perceive pain on the other side of more money then you won’t show up and take the baby steps needed to make more money.

You’ll choose instant gratification over long-term sustainable satisfaction.

Dopamine hits from in the moment pleasure over oxytocin from slow-dripped pleasure (which can feel boring in comparison to those hits of instant pleasure).

Here’s where this pattern can hide in plain sight…

you might feel like you’re working and taking action.

You’re doing things that make it seem like you’re working (fucking around with Canva graphics).

Or lounging in pleasure for hours and calling it a day telling yourself “I’ll do it tomorrow.”

Then, you probably internally flog yourself for “getting nothing done.”

Either way — it’s not leading to consistent MONEY.

Let’s change that, shall we?

Now in my world we believe that you living your life, doing your rituals and being in pleasure DOES count as money-making actions — as long as you’re actually pairing it with actual ways to make money.

What if you knew how to bake pleasure and freedom INTO your experience of making money?

What if you learned how to create consistency so you can still do what brings you pleasure outside of working (long walks, midday self pleasure, shopping, sitting at a cafe with your 2nd pot of chai) yet not sacrifice a full bank account?

What if you get to have BOTH?

This is why I created my FREE brand spanking NEW masterclass: More Money Less Stress!

Learn my EXACT 3-step pleasure-based process to eliminate money stress, break free from scarcity and FINALLY feel sexy, safe and relaxed with money WITHIN MINUTES.



You’re ready for MORE money & LESS stress.

Learn my EXACT 3-step pleasure-based process to eliminate money stress, break free from scarcity & FINALLY feel sexy, safe & relaxed with money WITHIN MINUTES.