As someone who has struggled for years with emotional eating, I know how easy it is to slip into that cycle of needing control and to soothe the pain that lingers in my heart using food. I know what it’s like to reach for sweets or carbs and an over abundance of these foods to gently ease a broken heart into a fleeting state of calm. I know what it’s like to stuff down my guilt with another helping of food or to wipe out an entire pan of brownies in one sitting while trying to undo the anxiety knot tightly wound in my belly.

I’ve struggled with this for a long time, and for as long as I can remember, food was my safe haven–my quick fix–until I noticed how ill I was becoming from eating nothing but junk and living an incredibly unfulfilling life in general. Over the past few years, I’ve slowly started to transform my life on a holistic level, but the emotional eating has been my biggest, darkest demon throughout it all. This is often because it goes undetected at first for me. No matter how healthy we eat, we will always experience a full range of emotions and trying to silence these emotions with food is not the remedy.

In the video below I talk about emotional eating, honoring your body for what she truly needs (on all levels–including expressing and feeling emotions) and LOVE being the source we’re all desperately searching for. And guess what? It’s already within you.

Check it out here:

Leave me a comment below if any of this resonates with you. Do you struggle with emotional eating, trying to control your body and/or health, or searching for something to fill a “void”? How do you honor your body’s needs, emotions and desires? 

Le’ts connect!

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