What if I told you there was one thing you could do every single day that would not only transform your sex life, but change your life as a whole?
This is because our sexual energy is also creative energy (what we create human life AND our own lives with) and the erotic form of life-force energy (essentially your vitality).
Your sexuality is a powerful representation of HOW you show up in your life and WHO you are in all ways.
I feel like your sexuality is the barometer that measures how much of your true Self you are embodying, incarnating and actualizing.
There’s a daily sex habit that I’ve been doing for the entire 4 1/2 + years that I’ve been on my sexual healing and awakening journey and today I’m going to share it with you.
I have to warn you: this daily sex habit is so simple that you might resist doing it…
But if you do it, every single day, you will notice dramatic and orgasmic affects inside AND outside of the bedroom.
It’s rare that I say you have to do anything every single day, but if you watch this video you’ll understand why I say this.
It’s powerful. It’s life-changing. It will transform your experience of your sexuality and sex life forever.
Sometimes it’s the simple stuff that makes the biggest difference. You’ll see why that’s true when you click play…enjoy!
By the way, you might think DUH when you hear what it is, but keep watching because you’d be surprised how many womxn and femmes ignore this simple but deeply powerful thing.
Sexual Shadow Work & Integration Practices
My Ecstatic Birth Story (Water Birth at Home)
MY SEXUAL SELF CARE RITUAL: How I connect to My Sexuality Every Day
How to Embody Your Eroticism & Why it Will Change Your Whole Life
Eros Online Program by Dancing Eros
Sexual Shadow Integration by Shakti Shiva Academy
You can download my 7 Jade Egg Secrets for Deeper Vaginal Pleasure and Orgasms ebook here to get started on your practice.
With Eros & Love,