Have you been frequently experiencing the same signs, symbols and synchronicities lately that make you wonder if Lilith is reaching out to you?
Does Lilith keep popping up even if you’ve never really heard of her before?
Or maybe you know a little…but you’ve never dared go there.
Maybe you’re seeing snakes, owls, certain videos of Lilith popping up on your TikTok feed and you’re hungry to know who this woman is and what she wants with you.
Maybe a seductive, dark, mysterious woman has visited you in your dreams with powerful messages for you.
Maybe you’re feeling pulled to shadow work and the unconscious, working with your erotic energy, sexual healing and empowerment, wanting equality for women (and all) or feeling pure feminine rage coming up.
Maybe you’ve seen a lot of posts and videos talking about working with Lilith, the dark feminine awakening or feminist conversations around women, sexuality and empowerment.
Maybe you’re longing for sexual and financial liberation, independence and empowerment.
All of these?
Are signs Lilith is calling you to work with her. Right the fuck now.
Intrigued and want to know more?
Let’s dive into this episode of Eros Money Power all about signs, symbolism and mythology of Lilith and how to know if she’s reaching out to you.
Did this episode give you chills? Make you cry? Land in your gut like a lightning bolt of truth?
Did the signs stir something deep inside like a sleepy serpent?
Turn you on or arouse something deep, dark & erotic inside…
Then, Lilith is calling to you. Initiating you. She’s been waiting and she’s ready for you.
My brand new 2-part class & ritual Invoking Lilith is for you!
Invoking Lilith is for you if you’re fucking DONE trying to be a nice, compliant, subservient good girl on your knees for the Patriarchy.
You want to own your fangs, claws, money & orgasms too. Lilith-style.

Reclaim your erotic feminine power. Take control of your body, life & sexuality. Experience unapologetic freedom & shameless expression in your daily life.
Rewrite your story by invoking the first woman & original bad bitch: Lilith.
Thanks Amber. 🙏
This really lands with me, reactivating my deep erotic knowing. 5 planets in Scorpio.. a deep diver by my very nature.
As an elder in training.. I appreciate the intense passion, purpose and playfulness that I wish to invoke and embrace more of. How will this best serve the crone in the times we are in? That sexual libido energy has been dormant for far too many moons now. 😅
Love your passionate delivery style! 🙏💫💜
My pleasure, Christina! I LOVE that you’re exploring this intense passion, purpose & playfulness through the lens of “crone times.” It’s absolutely needed as I feel like that’s when we REALLY come into our full power, eros & innate gifts as women.