Did you know that your menstrual cycle aka moon time is one of the most powerful times of the month for you as a woman? It’s also one of the most healing, intuitive, sensual, orgasmic and sacred times as well. It’s where we embody our intuitive inner wisdom and feminine spirit and essence the most. Your inner medicine woman and sage will step out fully during your moon time.

I know that a lot of women, myself included for the longest time, experience a lot of pain, annoyance and discomfort when it comes to our menstrual cycle. God/dess forbid we even talk about our periods in public….everything must be smothered in white and kept perfectly clean and hidden. That’s what society shoves down our throats in tampon commercials anyways…don’t even get me started on those toxic things! {By the way, if you use tampons make sure to buy organic and change them frequently! Please know there are alternatives though.}

The important thing to know is that our moon time is the most sacred, beautiful and divine experience that only we get to experience. Let’s form a new cozy, sensual and might I even add, orgasmic, relationship with our bodies, our yonis {Sanskrit for vagina} and our menstrual cycles, shall we?

Here are some amazing benefits of our sacred moon time:

  • We become highly intuitive and are able to connect on a deeper level to our soul, heart, desires and inner wisdom
  • Creative and sexual energy {Shakti} are easily accessible for awakening, harnessing and creation or manifestation or our desires and intentions
  • Our bodies are ripe with pleasure, passion and tapping into that orgasmic energy is easier during our moon time
  • We often turn inwards and become softer, receptive, open, trusting, surrendering, sensually embodied and able to melt deliciously into our feminine essence and energy
  • We have a deeper connection with The Divine/Spirit/God/Goddess/Source and other realms and divine guides
  • We are able to release what is no longer serving us and feel intuitively into what we desire moving forward and begin planting the seeds of our desires in our wombs
  • We are connected to mother earth, our fellow sisters, our wombs and the moon

So now that you know some of the amazing benefits of your amazing menstrual cycle, it’s time to create some Sacred Alchemy and learn to weave some Moon Time Magic and embody the practice of Sacred Menstruation. Let me share with you what your menstrual cycle does NOT have to be like:

  • Bloated, icky, uncomfortable, shameful, traumatic, dirty, hidden
  • Crampy & PMS-y
  • Intolerable
  • Irregular, heavy, hormonally out of control
  • Full of mood swings and uncontrollable junk food or sugar cravings

What if it was more like a time that you cherished and held sacred? What if you looked forward to it every month? What if it was orgasmic, blissful and felt like you were melting into your body with ecstasy? What if you were able to surrender sensually into a day of relaxation, rest, rituals, honoring and pleasure? What if it was the time of the month where you felt so deeply connected to your yoni, sensuality, inner wisdom, intuition and divinity? What if you could create and go inward and dance with your shadows and heal? What if you felt seduced by your menstrual cycle?

So let’s talk Sacred Menstruation. What the hell is it? It’s the conscious practice of treating your body and menstrual cycle as sacred, Divine, worthy of being worshiped and of course, an honoring celebration. It’s choosing to view your menstrual cycle (moon time) as a blessing not a curse. It’s choosing to celebrate your womanhood and the sacred process of menstruation that happens monthly, harnessing the power of it and utilizing this time to heal, create, embody and manifest. Check out this poem I wrote last month in honoring of my looming moon time:

I can feel it now.
My moon time is coming.
I’m sleepy.
My bones are tired.
I want to rest.
To drink tea.
To do spells and magic.
To read and journal.
To write poetry.
To listen to sultry, sensual music.
To light candles and worship my womb.
To feel my yoni open and release.
To feel my hips slip into ecstasy.
To lie under the moon and whisper to her.
To return my sacred blood to mother earth.
To wear cozy socks and nothing else.
To flirt with darkness.
To go within.
To take hot baths.
To smudge mugwort.
To dream and run away with my desires.
To be.
To feel orgasmic.
To feel my divinity.
To worship my moon.
My blood.
My sacred yoni.
Soooo…how does all of that sound? Pretty yummy right? And you know…magic really does happen during our menstrual cycle phase. So let’s dive into some Moon Time Magic. I’m going to share some of my favorite menstrual cycle ritual aka Moon Time Magic Rituals so you too, can experience ecstasy, harmony and pleasure on your menstrual cycle.

  • Take the first day off work–if at all possible so you can rest & get intuitive
  • Create a red tent or womb space in your home or join a local Red Tent Community if one is near you. Dark curtains, blankets, pillows, candles, incense, etc.
  • Journal & write
  • Create (paint, write poetry, use your hands)
  • Use a hot water bottle
  • Drink hot tea (I love rose hip tea)
  • Sleep & lounge around on a comfy bed of pillows and blankets
  • Use crystals–I love rose quartz & moonstone for my moon time
  • Eat dark chocolate–I like to handcraft my own raw chocolates or sip on a cacao elixir
  • Orgasm & self-pleasure–whether alone or with a partner. Get creative depending on how messy you like to get 😉
  • Yoni worship–buy yourself a nice handheld mirror & admire your luscious lady region. Be kind to yourself
  • Breast massage with oil
  • Consider using a menstrual cup instead of tampons (I use a brand called Lunette). Some women like to bleed free outside or use cloth pads.
  • If using a menstrual cup, pour your sacred blood into a chalice or cup of some sorts, infuse it with your intentions and offer it back to mother earth on the new or full moon to plant the seeds of your desires–I know this might seem taboo, strange or perhaps gross, but it’s a very honoring practice.
  • Do gentle movement if your body craves it–mine likes a lot of rest but craves slow, sensual dance and light walks at times
  • Honor the moon
  • Take baths with rose petals
  • Eat well & drink lots of water
  • Trust your body & everything she’s telling or showing you
  • Enjoy the magic & Alchemy taking place inside & outside your body

Drop me a comment below! I’d love to know what your current moon time ritual is like. Do you have one? If so, what is one thing you do to honor your yoni and sacred menstruation time? If not, what would you like to include in your ritual?
