Do you crave more indulgence and pleasure in your life?

Do you feel your body, mind and spirit absolutely and completely NEEDING more more more when it comes to pleasure and slow, indulgent down-time?

Do you find yourself mentally exhausted, frazzled and with zero energy?

I know exactly how that feels. To be so incredibly exhausted that you can’t get anything done, let alone do something you enjoy or that will satisfy your self-love craving. It’s taken me quite a long time to realize that my body, mind and spirit NEED pleasure and indulgence. And so does yours.

You are a sensual being.

It’s true.

Your beautiful, feminine, resilient body requires tons of love and sacred self-care. As human beings, and women especially, our bodies are not designed to run 24/7 without rest or relaxation. Our minds are not meant to be engrossed with never ending tasks, to-do lists, mental chatter, and the like for hours on end.

We require lots and lots of pleasure, bliss, and luxurious, delicious, indulgent time to nourish, uplift, and rejuvenate our sensual bodies. Our feminine spirit thrives on pleasure. On bliss and FEELING absolutely and completely lost in the throes of passion.

Imagine being consumed by pleasure. Imagine how amazing it would feel to experience your body in an aroused, orgasmic, and healing state.


Not only does it feel physically good to invite more pleasure and indulgence into your life, but it will actually create more time and space in your daily life and calender to do things you truly enjoy or desire to get done.

Think about it. When you are well-fed, nourished, rested, and teetering on the edge of bliss, you’re more likely to make better choices. Choices that will get you closer to your desires, rather than farther away. You’re more likely to make decisions that you’re 100% aligned with. You’re more likely to consciously choose to keep yourself in this state of sacred self-care as opposed to slipping stealthily back into bad habits or old ways.

When you allow yourself to indulge in pleasure and whatever truly pleases you on all levels, your mindset shifts. Paradigms shift. Your life shifts. You are on your destined path, charging after your dreams and desires!

I’ve got a few delicious tips to get the pleasure and indulgence flowing in your daily life! I’ll include a ritual along with each suggestion. You know how I love rituals! 

  • Get sensual: this is pretty much the main point I make in a lot of my posts, but it’s essential! Being IN your body and living from a sensual, sacred state will allow you to determine what FEELS good (or amazing!) and what doesn’t feel so good. Being sensual will allow you to slow down and explore sensations as they’re happening. You can feel the tingles dance up your spine as you run your fingers up and down your legs slowly. You can taste food, while closing your eyes, and notice each flavor and the depth of it. Take your time and don’t rush, no matter what you’re doing. Drop into your body and use as many of your senses altogether when you can. It will make your experience so much more powerful, which in turn makes your life much more pleasurable and worthy of indulgence.

    Ritual: Sensual Activation

    Sit comfortably on the floor with your legs crossed. We are going to work on activating as many of your senses at one time. Close your eyes and begin to inhale and exhale, deeply and slowly. Fill your belly on the inhale and exhale the air out. What do you hear? Music? I love playing music during rituals so I can focus on what I hear and let it move my body sensually. Otherwise focus on anything in your environment you may hear or simply focus on the gentle sound of your inhales and exhales.

    Begin to move your body in whatever way feels natural for you. Do so slowly and with intention. I love doing hip circles or anything that makes me feel extra sexy and sensual. You can also bring awareness to your clothes and how they fit your body. How they feel against your skin. Orrr if you’re feeling extra saucy, do this ritual naked and feel the warm (or cool) air on your bare skin! You can then bring awareness to what you see around you. See the beauty and details in everything. You can even focus on a simple candle flame, watching it dance and sway, casting shadows.

    Bring your sense of smell to your attention. I love lighting incense or candles and using a drop or two of my favorite essential oil on my neck and wrists. Let the smell entice you. Let it intoxicate you. Do you taste anything in your mouth? Eating chocolate or drinking a warm cup of tea (or a hot tonic-my personal fave) while doing this ritual is excellent. Focus on the flavors, textures and temperature. The point of this ritual is to be completely, and sensually, in your body so you can use all of your senses to supercharge your pleasure factor.

  • Go slow: do something you usually rush through with slow, mindful intention. Go painfully slow. We spend so much of our time rushing constantly and jumping ten spaces ahead so we can feel more accomplished, but often this leads to us being burned out and exhausted. So let’s slow wayyyyyy down and sink deliciously into the beauty of being indulgent.

    Ritual: Slow Dance

    You can do anything slowly (walking, breathing, doing dishes, folding laundry, etc.), but for the sake of this ritual, I’m going to choose something I especially enjoy and hopefully you will too! One of my favorite rituals lately is dancing in a sensual and incredibly slow manner. Like a sexy sloth, that’s right! Sometimes I imagine I’m in one of those music videos where everything is in slow-mo. If it works for ya, give it a try! It definitely works for me. I run my fingers through my hair, slowly. I move my hips, slowly. I sway, with my eyes closed, moving at a tenth of the speed I might normally do. Bend down, whip your hair, move your body all around, but do so sloooooowly. This isn’t exactly heart-pumping exercise, but trust me, it feels so fucking delicious. Instant bliss.

  • Just be: how often do you “just be?” I realized recently that I’m a very extravagant, indulgent and pleasure-driven person. We all are inherently, but some of us lose touch with this part of ourselves with the busyness of our lives. This is a natural part of life, but what’s even more natural, is connecting back to your innate ability to chill out and just be.

    Ritual: Daydream

    When was the last time you allowed yourself some sacred daydream time? Whether it’s impossible to remember or fresh in your memory, let’s make this ritual happen more often than not. Lie down somewhere comfortable. You can lie down on the couch, your bed or in a hammock if you’re lucky enough to have access! If you’ve got other things to do (although I recommend giving yourself plenty of slow, indulgent down-time for this) set a timer on your phone. I love giving myself at least an hour of daydream time, but you choose what works for you. You can listen to music, which I often do, or relax in silence, which I do as well on occasion. Allow your mind to wander and play. Allow yourself to dream. And no, this is not necessarily time for dreaming about things you think you SHOULD be dreaming about…don’t get me started on “shoulds.” You don’t have to think about business ideas or anything concrete. Just allow yourself to lie there and experience pleasure while your mind wanders to amazing places.


I encourage you to fit these rituals into your weekly schedule, whenever possible. I realize we all don’t have an hour a day to lie around and daydream, but hey, why not? If it’s going to bring you into a pleasurable state that is more likely to drive you towards your true desires, then I see no harm done!
Leave me a comment below and let me know how these pleasure rituals go for you! Do you easily allow pleasure to flow into your body and life? If not, what’s stopping you?
