I have some really fun things to share with you in today’s erotic article. I’ll try to keep it as concise as I can.

First things first, I wanted to tell you about a playful and super erotic experience I had with my partner this past weekend doing something pretty normal and mundane — grocery shopping.

After having a sexy money date where we spent an hour going over our monthly budget together, we both realized that I have a tendency to spend a LOT of money on organic groceries every month.

Yes, I realize I do have a lot of privilege having the funds to do that AND having easy access to organic food. Organic food is also where my holistic journey started over 9 years ago and I see it as preventative medicine so it’s always been one of my top priorities for investing my money — but there are other places we’d both love for extra money to go towards right now.

Anyway, discussing budgets isn’t all that sexy. Neither is restricting myself. I don’t know about you, but the second I tell myself I can’t do something, it’s immediately the only thing I want to do.


Enter my partner becoming my Grocery Shopping Dominant!

His role was to help me come up with a budget that we both got turned on by AND to come shopping with me, keeping me “in line.”

Now I’ve had partners in the past who were super controlling and I allowed myself to be controlled unconsciously because I didn’t know any better. Like grab me by my arm or the back of my neck and drag me out of stores kind of controlling…

It basically reflected how my parents used to shop together and how controlling my father was and out of control my mother was.

I’ve never enjoyed being controlled…unless it’s done consciously and as an almost kinky practice of CHOICE and consent.

Something pretty amazing happened as we went shopping together. I felt so much erotic friction and turn on for ALL OF THE THINGS I SUDDENLY NEEDED TO HAVE haha. Instead of whining about not “being able” to buy all the things, I got off on it. I breathed into my genitals as I walked around the stores.

I felt the electrical, erotic charge filling me up and how badly I wanted things, but wasn’t “allowed” to have. It was pretty taboo and kinky and super fun and energizing. There is this naughty little part of me inside who secretly loves being controlled and not “allowed” to have what she wants and she was being fulfilled so deliciously through this experiment.

We also went to TJ Maxx, my favorite store for buying clothes, candles, superfoods, whatever random stuff I decide to occasionally invest in. I’ve literally NEVER felt more turned on by NOT buying stuff.

I was also super turned on that I was being “consciously kept in line.”

As he was going through the aisle with his phone calculator adding up the things I was buying…I was just getting wetter and hotter. Every time he negotiated with me about what I “could” or “couldn’t” buy (based on our consensual and playful agreement that his role was to do this), I felt MORE ALIVENESS, MORE EROS thrumming through me.

“Oh you want two soy candles instead of one like you originally put on the list? Well, you can get one here and one at the other store.” So I was “allowed” to buy one candle from TJ Maxx and one candle from Home Goods and they had to equal a certain amount or less.

We also had a bet going at the grocery store. Whoever guessed closest to the total amount being spent would get to choose what they wanted from the other person sexually…

Let’s just say I won that bet and the night ended with the most exquisite whole body massage, pussy massage and some deeply orgasmic cervical stimulation as we had intercourse.

I consider this experiment a success and honestly, I’ll never look at budgets or grocery shopping the same again. I’m pretty sure I’ll get weak in the knees and wet every time I go to Whole Foods now or I see Andy whip out his phone calculator…hahaha

Alright on to the next fun thing I want to share with you…

I’ve officially joined Miss Jaiya’s Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ Certification program to become a certified EB coach!

While I’ve been delving deep into the erotic both personally and professionally over the past 4 1/2 years, I’m so excited to be going deep into a modality that I’m constantly referring people to. More to come on this over the next year as I go through my own journey with the program and the certification.

Another thing I want to mention is that after an almost 2-year hiatus, I’m bringing my podcast back but with a different name and energy this time. It used to be called the Sensually Embodied Woman podcast, but that really doesn’t resonate with the woman I am today or what my mission and message is anymore — at least not the core of it.

The podcast will be returning under the name Reclaiming Your Eroticism! This is the deep work I’m diving into: eroticism, sex magic, shadow work/integration around your sexuality, exploring taboo desires and erotic fantasies, polarities in terms of erotic desires and sexual polarity, overcoming sexual shame and trauma and yes, I’ll still be offering resources around the jade egg, but I’m totally devoted to the erotic, in all forms.

Speaking of reclaiming your eroticism, I’m coming out with a new live class this month around reclaiming your erotic nature, power and pleasure and I really want to create something that deeply serves you.

I’m in the process of gathering feedback so if you have anything you want to see around eroticism, shadow integration, sex magic, self pleasure, sexual polarity, etc., then drop me a comment below!

Thank you so much for being part of my erotic community. I can’t wait to see how I can serve you and share some amazing erotic classes, podcasts and the transformational journey that comes from doing the coaching program!

With Eros & Love,



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