I’ve noticed something that has blown my mind (and my heart and legs open)…perhaps it will have the same effect on you.

I’ve been playing with the idea of opening my heart fully. Letting myself love deeper and more wholly, from a space of a truly open heart.

I don’t mean in a way that has my heart at risk of unnecessary pain, wearing my heart on my sleeve, or letting others take advantage of my love or compassion.

I mean in a way that my heart feels ALIVE and no longer guarded, cold, or slathered in layers of hardness. A heart that is soft, open, and sensual. A heart that is glowing, from the inside out.

Radiant with pure love and actually radiating that pure love out into the cosmos, down into mother earth, and directly into the hearts of those I come in contact with–whether physically, energetically, emotionally, etc., but especially sensually and sexually.

When I’m being sensual or sexual–whether with myself or my lover–this is when I’m most likely to shut down in my heart space or put up walls. Have you ever noticed that for yourself?

It’s a vulnerable space to truly open your heart to yourself and with another. Intimacy is beautiful, but it takes devotion to yourself to navigate it with an open heart.

This allows you to have a full, loving, and orgasmic heart. A heart that cracks open deliciously every single day for many reasons, expands, and fills back up with even more love, ecstasy, truth, beauty, pleasure, compassion. forgiveness, and more.

With even more passion, desire, softness, and receiving.

Imagine having a holy and sacred vessel. What comes to mind for me is a clay pot so let’s go with that, but feel free to play with this in your own mind and heart.

Imagine this vessel being one size and hard–like when unfired clay gets hard from too much air and not enough moisture.

Now imagine this clay pot breaking into several pieces, cracking open. This might seem like devastation to you. Brokenness. Shattering. A fear of not being able to put it back together again.

But the beauty in this is that this vessel can grow and expand. Once it’s cracked fully open, you can put the pieces back together, but now there is more space than there was before. There is potential. 

You can grab some more clay and fill the spaces and gaps to make this vessel even bigger and with more room to fill. You don’t have to just fill the cracks and seams or patch it up.

You can wet the clay down with your sensuality and mold it, stretch it, expand how it fits together in new ways. You can devote your love and sensual attention to it and let it expand and when you feel it’s grown a little bit more (even if just a tiny bit), you can revel in the new space created there.

You can feel it filling back up with the sacred nectar of divine love. Each time your heart cracks open, you get the opportunity for it to expand, and fill back up with even more love.

So how does having an open heart equate to having an open yoni?

Your heart and yoni are directly connected. When you are healing one, you are consequently healing the other.

In Taoist Sexual Philosophy, it’s taught that there are energetic pathways that are present in the body (you can feel these energetic pathways in your sensuality and sexual energy) and those pathways link to certain organs or parts of your body.

For instance, there are pathways in your chest that actually link to your adrenal glands, but more importantly, the cervix and heart are connected. Which means when you stimulate your cervix, you are simultaneously stimulating your heart. 

So to give you a personal example, I used to experience (and still do at times) a lot of pain in my cervix during sex or self-pleasure. I also noticed that my heart was closed off, shut down, and extremely guarded at those times, because I was afraid of any pain, heartbreak, or fully surrendering into my sensuality, sexuality, and LOVE.

I was afraid to be completely vulnerable, intimate and to let someone in–especially myself. So yes, I truly believe in all of the work that I do that our hearts and yonis are linked.

An open heart = an open yoni.

A soft, sensual, loving, full, orgasmic, vulnerable, passionate heart = a soft, sensual, loving, full, orgasmic, vulnerable, passionate yoni.

So how do we open our hearts and yonis for the most healing and love cultivation?

By awakening your sensuality and cultivating deep self-love from within. By breathing into your heart, by softening into yourself and making time for self-love and self-care rituals.

If you want a resource and experience to help you embody and awaken all of this, check out my free online salon 7 Days of Sensual Self-Love. I’ll be sharing more to come in my videos, blog posts, online courses, etc. on this concept.

Until then, here’s to your open heart and open yoni. There’s more openness where that came from, too.

P.S. If you want to stay in the know on sensuality, opening your heart to find deep self-love from within, and embodying your sacred, sexual power, sign up for my weekly love letters and join the ‪#‎SensuallyEmbodiedWoman‬ email sisterhood here. You’ll also get access to the 5-part video series on how to embody your sensuality, plus details on any offerings or online salons available.

This is my favorite space to connect with you–my sensual heart to yours–and I love to give my VIP Sensual Lovers (those of you in my email sisterhood) tons of free goodies, sensual love, and juicy content each week. Sign up here!

Drop me a comment below and let me know if you’ve noticed a correlation between your open (or closed) heart and yoni!