One of the most common reasons women work with me, purchase a jade egg from me or enroll in my Jade Egg Sexual Mastery course is because they have a lack of connection to their most intimate region — their pussy. Usually this results in a woman having a numb vagina or experiencing no sensation during sexual intercourse (or at all).
We are designed as women to have highly orgasmic vaginas. Numbness is not our natural state. Most vaginal numbness stems from a mix of psychological, emotional and physiological blocks or experiences. A lot of the times it’s due to sexual shame or trauma.
I struggled for a few years with vaginal numbness and it was really frustrating to say the least. Not being able to feel my ex-boyfriend’s cock inside of my pussy. Feeling no connection to anything down there. And as a result of vaginal numbness there was no lubrication or flow — in between my legs or in my life.
Vaginal numbness goes beyond just experiencing a numb vagina — it permeates into every area of your body and life, because who you are sexually is who you are in life. So do you want to have a numb vagina (and life)? Or an alive and super orgasmic vagina (and life)?
So if you’ve been frustrated with having a numb vagina and you want to have an orgasmic pussy, click play and learn about my 3 secrets to having an orgasmic pussy!
You can watch my self pussy massage video here.
If you want to learn how to train your vagina to feel more orgasmic sensation and pleasure while learning how to access and move your sexual energy through a regular jade egg practice, download a free copy of my Jade Egg Sexual Mastery ebook.
You can also sign up for my free Jade Egg Sexual Mastery video series. Sign up here!
If you want a jade egg to get started on your practice, check out my jade egg shop!
I would love for you to share this video with any woman in your life or your lover to spread the orgasmic pussy love! You can subscribe to my YouTube channel here to stay updated with my weekly video.
Want to share your insights?
- Do you struggle with vaginal numbness?
- If so, how does that carry over into your life (and relationships, money, business, etc.)
- What orgasmic pussy secret are you most excited to implement?
- Do you have one of your own to share?
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