I want to share something with you that’s both exciting and deeply vulnerable for me to reveal.

It’s something that feels bigger than me, because it is bigger than me. It’s not just about me.

Even though it’s my whole life’s journey with both money AND sex coming together.

My long-term vision & how my new mastermind Sexy Wealth Initiation fits into that:

I’ve had this dream for years, but I shared it with a client of mine last year in Voxer.

Infiltrate the 1% so that we can spread not only the wealth, but the wisdom and nervous system regulation tools to those outside of it.

Reform the wealthy gentlemen’s club and turn it into a sexy wealth society for women. A sexy, powerful, wealthy woman’s club.

Where MORE money is in the hands of MORE women.

Where women take their erotic AND financial power into their own hands.

And become the most wealthy, well fucked and well paid women they’re meant to become TOGETHER.

This desire feels huge (and vulnerable to share), but imagine if we could increase the 1% to 2% (or more!) in the next 1-2 generations?

I shared the BIGNESS and audacity of this desire with a friend several months ago because I was in a container about bringing forth my “movement.”

My body of work that’s a legacy. Something I want to outlive me.

I realized I felt teeny tiny compared to it. How am I meant to bring something so audacious and ambitious to the planet? Who? Little ol me?

I’m just a mom and women-owned business and entrepreneur from Michigan. Which made me realize I needed to shift how I saw myself.

Who I’m here to be, what I’m here to create, hold, lead.

I needed to upgrade my Sexy Wealth Identity and no longer see myself in such small ways. I’ve always known I’m meant to do big things. Now it’s time to act like it.

So when this idea came in of…

“what if women came together, became wealthy together, redistributed the money in ways we desire and shared the knowledge, tools and wealth-building wisdom with our children and others and within 1-2 generations moved the needle on the percentage of those who hold wealth?”

I’m not gonna lie. I spun out for DAYS.

Like “What does that even look like in terms of stats? What policies would need to be in place? I’m not a financial advisor…how would I even go about creating a PLAN for this? There’s so much we’d be up against!”

But then I realized that I wouldn’t be doing it alone. I’d be doing this with other women who want the same thing.

I have no idea YET how this could be possible.

Except it’s become clear to me that I’m meant to create a sexy wealth society — a network and club for women building wealth in pleasurable ways.

Each woman will bring a different gift needed to change how the world creates and holds wealth.

How it’s distributed.

This is why YOU matter.

This work is lineage-changing.

And legacy-forming.

Imagine if MORE women held MORE of the wealth in the world…

Imagine what would change if more women held positions of power, status, impact, wealth, influence…

It starts with us.

And if you have children, you get to not only model being a wealthy woman for them.

But you can pass on the wealth of WISDOM not just the wealth of MONEY.

Instead of handing them a trust fund — teach them how to manage their money, how to stay regulated, how to enjoy their money AND create future financial security.

How to make that money multiply and create even more generational wealth AND a wealth of generosity.

I think of each woman’s unique role in this web of wealth.

Some may be politicians or policy makers.

Some may be artists.

Some may be mothers and homemakers.

Some may work in tech or Silicon Valley.

Some may have companies or work with high-level executives.

Some may run their own businesses or be entrepreneurs leading their own revolutionary movements.

Some may have connections required to make real change.

Some may simply be another woman holding wealth and making better financial decisions — we EACH matter.

It takes one million single dollar bills to make $1 million. Every dollar matters. If you were one dollar short, you wouldn’t have $1 million.

Every woman matters in increasing the percentage of women holding wealth.

The reason the 1% remains the 1%?

They hold the status, influence, wealth, “power.”

Although it’s usually a false sense of power that comes from actually feeling powerless and needing to have power “over” others.

They have connections through a network of other influential wealthy people.

So it’s time for women to come together and create our own networks.

That’s what I see my new mastermind Sexy Wealth Initiation as.

A sexy wealth network for women doing the work together. Exactly as we are.

Building connections that may not make sense right now…but may pay off in the future.

Here’s a screenshot with the same client I shared the dream with in Voxer replying to my stories about it yesterday.

This is what I’m talking about.

Every woman who wants this knows we’re working towards the SAME destination TOGETHER.

A world of wealthy, well fucked and well paid women.

Women in their erotic AND financial power.

MORE women holding MORE of the wealth.


This is why I’m inviting you to join the mastermind. It doesn’t matter how much money you make, whether you’ve started building wealth or not or if the idea of starting terrifies you.

While I won’t be teaching you how to invest as that’s not my role, I will help you prepare emotionally and mentally for your own wealth building journey so that you don’t keep delaying it for years (like I did).

We’re going to simplify and get sexy with our money, finances, long-term wealth building vision, income streams, recurring revenue etc.

We’re going to do the sexy inner work to upgrade your identity and regulate your nervous system so money doesn’t feel so scary or stressful WHILE mapping out multiple income streams and ways to increase your monthly revenue.

I’ve been on a conscious, sexy journey with money since 2015. I’ve been in business for myself since 2014. I’ve made SO many “mistakes” and I’ve learned a shit ton from them.

Let’s do this together!

My 10-week mastermind is for you if you’re ready to go from living and thinking only month to month with your money…

to building wealth over your lifetime, leaving behind a legacy and changing your lineage around money, sex and power FOR GOOD.

If you know you want to prioritize wealth building very soon (or you already are) and you’re ready to shift your mindset, energy and strategy to serve the sexy wealthy woman you’re meant to become…my mastermind is for you.

This is an exclusive opportunity for 8-10 women to work closely with me while forming a sexy network of wealthy women in the making.

Click here for more information on Sexy Wealth Initiation or so you can secure your spot in the mastermind.


The Founding Member Early Bird Rate goes up to $1,111 or two payments of $567 on April 2nd at 9 pm EST.

If you want to chat with me find me on Instagram @theamberrenee

Here are more details or you can check out the sales page here!

We begin on Monday April 15th at 12 pm EST (all calls are on Mondays at 12 pm EST & recorded with lifetime access)

I’d be honored to have you join!