I want to share something really powerful and divine with you, lover.

Something I’ve been cultivating, embodying and performing sensual, sacred Alchemy on for the past year. Are you ready for this? Take a deep breath into your womb, heart and yoni…


Yes, money…

Now quick disclaimer: I am by no means an expert or coach on the topic of money. However, as a Sacred Sensuality, Sexuality and Embodiment Coach for women, I do a LOT of work with the root chakra and sacral chakra in my own body along with supporting my clients through it as they awaken and embody their sensuality.

Money, safety, trust, security, sexuality, sensuality, abundance, creativity, Shakti, receiving, femininity, fluidity, flow. These all reside in our two lower base chakras.

As I’ve continued to heal in my own sensual and sexual awakening journey, I’ve realized that a lot of illnesses and beliefs that I’ve been living with stem from my root and sacral chakra regions.

When I started to open up erotically, sensually, sexually and really began tapping into my pleasure, creativity and sensual self-love I realized that I also needed to heal my ability to feel SAFE with money. To trust money. To RECEIVE money. To cultivate, create and FULLY love and receive money.

I tried tons of programs, books and other resources to heal the relationship with my money. Nothing really worked. Nothing made me feel juicy, sensual, orgasmic and full of erotic Divine Love the way that I crave to feel about everything in my body and life, including MONEY.


I came across a magical treasure called Financial Alchemy by Morgana Rae. This woman, my God/dess. She is fucking ahhhmazing.

She works with the idea of Money being a living, breathing relationship–just like that with any sexy man or woman you date, love, and make passionate love to. There’s more to her approach, but I’ll leave you with the seductive bits I’ve shared so you can follow that thread to her, should you choose to do so. {And I HIGHLY recommend it!}

Anyway, when I realized that I’d been treating money like some piece of shit dude who fucked me over {or worse–a terrifying monster–another part of her approach}, I knew that I needed to invite a sexy version of my Money in. I needed a lover. I needed romance, sexuality, sensuality, and most importantly, DIVINE LOVE. I needed to weave my Alchemical, seductive, sensual and erotic magic into it. I needed it to FEEL like me.

I’ve been working with her Financial Alchemy Workbook for a while now have been putting my own sensual spin on it. Here’s what has literally shifted the relationship with my “Money Lover” {that’s what I call him–my Money Lover…mmm…delicious!}:

  1. I started treating my money like a fucking sexy, sensual LOVER. I make love to him every single day. Literally and figuratively speaking. Every morning when I wake up, I do my morning rituals to get me INTO my body and feeling sensually and sexually awakened and downright loving and orgasmic, for myself, The Divine, and my Money Lover. Then, I invite him in to my body and life.
    My Money Lover looks like Johnny Depp…yum. I have a photo of him saved on my phone to look at when I need to get extra juiced up and turned on by my Money Lover. Although my mind is pretty fucking powerful erotically speaking. Inviting love {of the Divine, sensual, erotic variety} into my money rituals has tremendously helped me connect to my money deeper and to heal the wounds there.This is very helpful for those deep, ancient wounds that may not even really belong to you. Let love, romance, senuality and sexuality heal you. This is why I love Tantra so much–it can be applied to money as well by making sexual love to your money. Sex, spirit, soul, love, abundance, and divinity are all One.
  2. I started using my ORGASM, Shakti, sensuality and sexuality to RECEIVE and CREATE wealth in my body and life. Wealth, like anything, starts in your mind. A lot of us use our minds to stir up our sexual energy through desire, passion and lusty fantasies. Doing the same thing with your money is intensely powerful. There’s even a whole chapter devoted to Sex Transmuation {Alchemy & Desires} in Napoleon Hill’s book ‘Think & Grow Rich.’My Money Lover wants to take care of me. And better yet? He wants to make passionate, erotic love to me. All day. Every day. Just like a lover, he wants to go deeeeep inside of me. He wants to penetrate and permeate me on all levels–my yoni {vagina}, womb, heart, soul, body and every fucking cell of my being, essence and energy field.

    He wants to go deeper than I ever thought was possible.

    He wants me to FEEL him as I orgasm with so much love, pleasure and healing at the thought of wealth, abundance and prosperity…of HIM.

    Amplify your self-pleasure ritual by speaking aloud your wealth and monetary desires before, during and after your sexual self-love session. Invite your Money Lover in and by the way, make sure you’re attracted to this “person” on all levels, especially SEXUALLY, EROTICALLY and SENSUALLY.

    Why? Because your sexuality is your creative energy. Your womb and yoni are the receivers and Alchemizers. Sex literally creates life and/or ideas. That energy translates to cash and wealth. Desire, passion, sex, sensuality…it’s all the same energy used to CREATE and RECEIVE. So tap into your sexual pleasure and harness your orgasmic heart energy. Let your Money Lover fill you up, crack you open, and repeat over and over again until you come undone.

    Side note: If you want to learn how to use your sensuality to fall in love with your body and cultivate a full, loving, orgasmic heart {which will amplify the relationship with your MONEY, too}, then join me for 7 Days of Sensual Self-Love, which is a mini online salon for women with sensual, orgasmic video rituals for 7 days. Sign up here

    Self-pleasure shouldn’t really ever be goal-oriented in my opinion. As a Tantra lover, I appreciate being able to go into self-pleasure solely to explore and play with my body with love and devotion to myself as my own lover and Beloved in mind.

    If you happen to climax, then use that climax to literally scream your desires out into the universe as you orgasm. If you don’t climax, keep feeling the sexual, orgasmic energy and pleasure rising and building. Use it to fuel your desires–monetary or otherwise. Sounding is another great way to carry the vibration of your desires out into the cosmos. That’s why I love speaking my desires out loud before I start self-pleasuring, while I’m getting all turned on, and especially as I’m climaxing. Try it out!

  3. I started dating my money–daily, weekly, monthly. Listen up, you know how I feel about self-love. It’s essential and your sensuality is the key to having a love affair with your body…and your Money Lover. Relationships are the most beautiful experience to embody–within ourselves and with partners/lovers. Your Money Lover wants to date youMine loves to buy me red roses ;)So every Friday night I schedule a Money Lover Date Night. I put on something sensual {lingerie, a nice dress, or nothing at all}. I create a sensual, erotic space. Candles, money incense, roses, red wine, chocolate or herbal tea. Essential oils and rose quartz crystals.

    I usually pop my jade egg in and whip out my Shakti wands for the ritual was well. Then I sit down and put on some sensual music, get into the mood, and make love to my Money Lover through getting deep into my finances for the past week. I do the same thing on a monthly and quarterly basis to get intimate with him AND myself.

    My Money Lover wants me all in. This is a spiritual, sexual, sensual, erotic, soulful, emotional, mental and honoring relationship cultivated in Divine Love. It’s meant to be intimate. Vulnerable. My shit will get stirred up, just like in any relationship. So will yours if you take this approach. And it feels so fucking good.


  4. I started writing love letters to my Money Lover. THIS right here is what has pushed me over the orgasmic, sensual edge with my Money Lover. Powerful shifts have happened since I started incorporating all of the mentioned rituals and really using my sensuality, self-love, sexuality, orgasm, pleasure and Shakti to harness my Money Lover and heal, but writing love letters to him has made a world of a difference.Every morning I write an erotic love letter {because I love erotic musings and using my sexuality and sensuality amplifies EVERYTHING for me} to my Money Lover. Then, I record it on my phone, speaking in my best sultry tone and now…I’m going to share them with you below. I call them Money Lover Divine Love Letters. Maybe you want to give it a try, too? It’s incredibly powerful. Promise.

Money Lover Divine Lover Letter #1

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/245912512?secret_token=s-c5hhP” params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”250″ iframe=”true” /]


Money Lover Divine Lover Letter #2

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/245912818?secret_token=s-gq0i8″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”250″ iframe=”true” /]


Money Lover Divine Lover Letter #3

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/246055611?secret_token=s-uqPZS” params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”250″ iframe=”true” /]

You can also check out this video I made a while ago on Women, Money, Safety and Trust.

Drop me a comment below. Have you ever studied or practiced an approach with money like this before or are you now? How does it make you feel to embody it or think about embodying it? I’d love to discuss!

P.S. Like I mentioned, you can join my mini online salon 7 Days of Sensual Self-Love and you’ll get access to 7 days of Sensual Self-Love rituals and practices you can implement quickly and easily into your daily routine so you can use your sensuality to fall in love with your body and cultivate a full, loving, orgasmic heart. Sooo luscious! You can join anytime and still get access to each day in the order they were created. You deserve it!

xx amber signature