Sometimes I try to resist loving.
I try to resist it so hard. I push it away with all of my effort. But alas, love will never leave me. Love is always there. A flowing, infinite source. Divine and holy. Worthy of being worshipped. Worthy of altars and prayers. Worthy of sacred rituals, rites of passage and festivals all dedicated to the nectar of life–love.
I never realized how much I tried to resist love until love found me in the strangest places every time. I was never looking. Never really searching. At least not actively searching. But my heart and soul always were. They went undetected. Stealthy. Incognito. Those two are a real sly pair and always getting me into the most delicious and heart-breaking shenanigans. I can’t blame my heart and soul though, because it’s only natural for you and I both to love. It’s only natural for us, as divine beings in human bodies having a very real, raw and human experience, to love and be loved in return.
To give and receive it. To search for it, whether on purpose or not. Our hearts and souls are connected to the Divine (whatever this means for you–Source God/Goddess, Mother Earth, etc.) and the Divine is always pulling us towards love. Pushing us back to love when we pull ourselves out of its warm embrace. Pulling us back in as we try to claw our way out in fear.
Fear is an illusion. Only love is real.
Love is the only medicine we really truly need.
I found myself in an experience recently that I tried persistently to resist. I was spending all of my precious, sacred energy on resisting this situation–this person. It wasn’t working anyway. What felt natural for me was to love and not just that, but to love fully. Even if I didn’t bother with the labels of “being in love” or “love”–that’s what it is. When you are in relationship with someone, whether it be a lover, partner, family member or friend, you love them. Love is an underlying current that is constantly flowing, pulsing, coursing through us. It’s like electricity and it can’t be denied. In fact, the more you try to deny this divine love, the more it will over power you. It will take over you wholly and completely–body, heart and soul. It will consume you. Perhaps even destroy you–or at least destroy that precious ego you cling to so desperately.
It will fill you up, crack your heart open in the most beautiful way and shatter the chains, walls and illusions surrounding your heart. It will free you. It will break you open and allow you to melt even further into this sweet oblivion of love. It will teach you the power of surrender. Love will show you the way every single time.
The more you resist it, the stronger your heart will beat in tandem with this need to crack open fully. It’s almost orgasmic when you feel yourself truly surrender to love. When you stop fighting, resisting and pushing it away and instead, you soften. You open. You receive. You surrender so sensually that this love will feel like pure ecstasy filling you entirely. It will radiate from you and you’ll glow from within. It will feel so good when you let it completely ravage you. Let love have its dirty, erotic way with you. Allow love to seduce you and open you a little further.
One more layer to be unraveled. One more way to come undone fully. One more way to experience your sensuality through love. To feel love in your body. To embody love. To feel its divinity and to know that love feels your divinity in return. You are in sync with this force and surrendering, melting into love, will bring you one step closer to divinity and oneness. To sacred union.
Love does not need labels or limits. It doesn’t need to be put into a box and labeled beautifully as so. It simply needs to be as it is. It simply needs to be felt, embodied, honored, worshipped and experienced on all levels. Love doesn’t demand anything of you other than for you to let it guide you. Move you. Fill you.
Love doesn’t need need to be or look a certain way. Love doesn’t need expectations that it will last or fade or end or deepen. It simply is as it is. Loving someone doesn’t have to be only reserved for “the one” or your “soul mate” or whatever else–if you choose to believe that exists. Love can be experienced just as deeply with whomever comes into your life.
I believe that people come into our lives at the exact right moment to help us learn, experience, embody and surrender to love one more layer deep. To melt into even further. And when that person has helped you get there, the next will come into your life. Or maybe that person will stick around for a really long time. Or perhaps they will ebb and flow out of your life, coming in whenever you need to melt, surrender and trust even deeper.
Whatever you choose to believe, just know that love is divine, holy, sacred and real. It is the only thing you truly need to know, embody and trust. Love is all. Love is everything. Love simply is.
How can you surrender a little more to love? How can you melt, soften, crack your heart open and let divine love fill you like ecstasy? How can you allow love to be orgasmic and connect you more to yourself as a sensually embodied woman?