Your sexual energy is the most powerful, creative energy on this planet. It’s inside of every single one of us and Taoists view sexual, life-force energy as the ultimate spiritual energy, but also what you create your body and life with by design.

What do you desire to create?
What do you want?
What do you desire MORE of?

Ever since becoming aware of my sexual energy, directly accessing it and learning how to channel it through my masturbation or sex sessions with intention, my whole life has changed. I’ve called in more money, love, orgasms and success. For me, success is feeling juicy, turned on and alive while doing what I’m passionate about and making a living doing this work.

What if if I told you that you could masturbate your way to more money, success AND orgasms by cultivating a very specific sexual practice…what do you find is coming up for you?

The feeling of it being impossible?
Not practical?
Or maybe too strange or weird?

Well, you’re in for a treat because I’m going to share my favorite sexual technique with you that you can bring into your daily practice in a practical and simple way to literally masturbate your way to more money, success, orgasms or whatever else you want.

If you’ve been craving to have more money, success, orgasms, love (or whatever else you want!), then my newest video is for you. I’m going to teach you a powerful sexual technique that will help you masturbate your way to MORE money, success and orgasms among many other things.

Let’s begin…press play to learn more. 

You can learn how to move your sexual energy for whole body orgasms HERE.

If you want to learn how to train your vagina to feel more orgasmic sensation and pleasure while learning how to access and move your sexual energy through a regular jade egg practice, download a free copy of my Jade Egg Sexual Mastery ebook.

You can also sign up for my free Jade Egg Sexual Mastery video series here!

By the way, I’ll be teaching you how to use the jade egg and your sexual energy as a vessel of fertility to infuse your desires and intentions into the egg to literally birth and create them in your life. So make sure to sign up for that so you can get access when each video is revealed.


If you want a jade egg to get started on your practice, check out my jade egg shop!

I would love for you to share this video with any woman in your life or your lover to spread the sexual love! You can subscribe to my YouTube channel here to stay updated with my weekly video.

