I just unleashed a whole new level of my sexual energy, erotic power and orgasmic potential during a powerful lovemaking ritual with my partner today.

My cervix was activated beyond anything I’ve ever experienced before…and I didn’t even climax. Although my whole body was undulating with electrical orgasmic currents, flowing through me. It was better than any climax I’ve ever had.

THIS to me is what orgasm is all about. Full-bodied. Deep. Cervix relaxed and pulsing so that the erotic energy thrums through me from head to toe and beyond. 

At one point I felt my serpent energy (Kundalini) slither up my spine into my third eye and crown as my partner rocked slowly and deeply into my cervix with the most exquisite rhythm. 

I lay there breathing sexual energy up and down my body doing some internal sex magic, harnessing the power of this moment between he and I.

Let me rewind and tell you what lead to this new level of opening and activation. Because it’s so damn good. It also goes back way before today so stick with me…

We scheduled a sex date for today so while he dropped Scarlet off at my sister’s house, I created a beautiful bath ritual for myself. 

I adorned and anointed myself, dropping fully into the sacred sexual priestess within. 

I made an intention to share this side of myself with him even deeper and to invite any shadows out to play as well. All was welcome. 

I created an altar beside our bed, lit candles and burned frankincense and myrrh incense. The incense smoke wafted ceremoniously through our bedroom, it’s smoldering aroma bringing me back into an ancient knowing deep within…

That I am far more powerful, magical and erotic than I allow myself (or my partner) to know. 

(I bet you have the same thing locked away inside of you…do you feel that too?)

He massaged me for what seemed like ages, between passionate kissing and other play, he finally slid deep into my pussy…

I was relaxed and ready. Waiting. My cervix unfolding even before he entered me and touched her. 

I began to do my sex magic, circling sexual energy up through each chakra and I brought energy up to my crown, my cervix opened and pulsed in a way that’s never happened before.

I felt a new amount of my power release. My pleasure. My sexual energy. 

At one point between slow, deep, rhythmic thrusts, he stopped and panted that my cervix was stroking him. 

He said it felt like my cervix was trying to pull the cum out of him. 

She was doing the cervical kiss…she was down and massaging, almost kissing and welcoming his cock. 

This was so much more than deep vaginal pleasure and waves of cervical orgasm flowing through me. 

This was a moment of opening. Activating. Remembering an ancient layer of my power, pleasure and truth. Remembering that I’m a priestess.

Let’s go back a little further to what I believe has helped me to have this experience and realization…

Four and a half years of doing my own erotic rituals and sexual healing.

Four and a half  years of being devoted to using my jade egg to open, relax, heal and soften my vagina…especially my cervix. 

De-armoring my vagina and cervix with my jade egg and crystal dildos. Doing daily breathwork to fully relax here and circulate my sexual energy.  

Relaxation of the pussy leads to feeling an innate sense of safety and trust…which leads to deeper opening of the heart, soul and pussy…which leads to new levels of energy activating and flowing.

Today I unleashed something that will never return back to where it was. Never again will my serpent energy coil the way it was.

It is now rising to the crown, allowing me to remember my power, pleasure, worth, sacredness …my eroticism and divinity. My full orgasmic potential and conjuring abilities as a creatress. 

I’d love to teach you and guide you on how to experience your own rememberings and awakenings of your own erotic and cervical power, pleasure and orgasm. 

Even if you’ve had your cervix removed, we can get the energy flowing again. It always remains. 

Is yours coiled and sleepy? Is your cervix tense, numb or in pain? 

Does sex feel numb or painful, especially when it’s deep?

Do you long to FEEL MORE?? More of your power, pleasure and sacred, sexual nature?

Do you crave to be fucked to your core…even by yourself, but also your lover(s)?

Do you yearn for deeeeeep vaginal pleasure and orgasm….right in your cervix?

Together we can dive deep into the jade egg, my #1 practice for not only de-armoring and relieving tension, numbness and pain from the cervix (and whole vagina) BUT also resensitizing, awakening and activating the power, pleasure and oragsmic potential of the cervix…and it’s LIMITLESS, ECSTATIC sexual energy.  

We go deep into ALL of this in my 9-week online course, Jade Egg Sexual Mastery

I have a module on cervical awakening and orgasmic activation PLUS if you join us for this round (by Tuesday the 27th of August 2019) you’ll also receive a FULL extra workshop called Cervical Ecstasy.

It includes a workshop going deep into the emotional, sexual, physical, mental and spiritual aspects of your cervix (even if you’ve had it removed). 

There’s a jade egg ritual and some other practices to relax, open and activate your cervix…gently BUT powerfully. 

This whole workshop and ritual is valued at $297 but it’s YOURS for free when you join us for the course. This offer is good until Tuesday the 27th at Midnight EST.

Doors close Friday and won’t open again until 2020

I have tons of other bonuses available when you join us…plus you’ll learn to take all of this new erotic power and sexual energy you awaken and do sex magic with it…uhhhhh yes!

I’ll see you inside Jade Egg Sexual Mastery!

The world will be a better place when we all remember how ancient, powerful, magical, erotic and orgasmic we are…the cervix (or energetic cervix) is a great place to start and the jade egg is the most efficient, pleasurable, healing and gentle…but potent…practice to do so. 



Unlock Deep Vaginal Pleasure & Orgasms. Get Your FREE Jade Egg ebook below.

Learn the sexual secrets of the thousands year old Taoist jade egg practice and get ready to awaken a whole new layer and level of sexual pleasure.
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