There was a time in my life where I couldn’t own my voice and power enough to ask for what I wanted. Especially when it was a sexual want or desire. 

If you’ve ever struggled with asking for what you want or if you’ve ever been afraid to declare what you desire, need, or want (even to yourself) then this video will be super beneficial for you. 

Why is it soooo hard for us women to ask for what we want? And I’m referring to inside AND outside of the bedroom.

I’ve found that often women don’t feel worthy enough of their desires. When you think about asking for something that you want, it may bring up a lot of insecurities.

Will they think I’m weird?

Will they think I’m a slut?

Will I be shamed?

Judged? Shut down?

What if I ask for something and they don’t want to give it to me?

What if I can’t have what I want?


In my latest video, I share a few tips with you to help you ask for what you want (in and out of the bedroom):

Now, the first step to asking for what you want is to first own your power. Your desires and wants are your own and you have to OWN them fully and completely. It doesn’t matter whether someone or something outside of you can help you get said desire or want fulfilled. It starts with you.

The next step is to really think about WHY you want this. What will it do for you? What will it feel like? What will it allow you to do, be, embody, and receive? Ground yourself in that. In order to honor who you are and what you want, you need to own this part of you as well. If it’s a sexual want, then you need to be ok with this in yourself first. Feel any shame around what you want? Allow yourself to heal whatever it is in yourself. (Need support releasing sensual and sexual shame? I’m offering a few spots in my one-on-one private coaching, so if you want to apply and see if we’re a stellar fit, please do so here!)

After that, simply ask! I know that might be easier said than done, but all you have to do is ask. What will happen if you don’t? Will it eat away at you? Affect your relationship—especially with yourself? If you’re asking your lover or partner to give you something sexually or to fulfill a certain need or desire, start by opening up an intimate conversation. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, open, and honest. You can say something like “there’s something I’m curious about trying and I’m wondering if you’d be open to trying it out with me?”

Then, you’ll want to simply detach from the outcome in a healthy way, trusting the power of your true needs, wants, and desires to be fulfilled. You can’t force or coerce someone to give you something or do something for you, but there’s something so empowering about simply asking and going after your desires.

Another thing that might help you is to really connect with your womb, heart, and yoni–which I consider to be the most essential connection to have with your body, because not only are these regions the most feminine, sensual, and filled with sexual energy (Shakti!), but they will lead you down the path to your true wants and desires–sexual or otherwise!

If you want to get free instant access to my complimentary video training series Awaken Your Sensuality while it’s still available, sign up here! You’ll get instant access to three super juicy, sensual videos to help you awaken your sensuality by cultivating deep self-love, tapping into your pleasure, and embodying your feminine essence!

Drop me a comment below, do you struggle to ask for what you want? 

xx Amber L