My journey with pregnancy over the past 38 weeks (I’ll be 39 weeks on Monday) has been such a fascinating experience, especially as it relates to the relationship with my sexuality and erotic journey. 

It has been a journey of many different erotic and life initiations…and as I prepare for the next few transitions (birth, postpartum and motherhood), I find myself reflecting on how my sexuality has unfolded, shifted and opened up during the different stages and moments of pregnancy. 

Each trimester has brought with it different challenges and gifts that have helped me grow sexually and open myself up to deeper connection with myself on all levels — erotically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. 

I’ve had a lot of people ask me how pregnancy has changed or affected my sexuality and since it’s a wildly huge and in depth subject and experience, I wanted to make a video breaking it down based on the three trimesters.

Many people have also had a lot of opinions and judgements — both “positive” and “negative” — around my public or even private expression of my eroticism while being pregnant. I share a lot of photos, erotic dance videos and musings on my journey with my sexuality before, during and eventually after pregnancy on my Instagram feed, which you can check out here.

NOTE: If you find yourself forming an opinion or judgement around the video, myself or any other woman who is expressing her sexuality — whether pregnant, a mother, or not — then I invite you to look at why that is and where it’s coming from. 

It’s not actually about me or her…it’s about you and your thoughts, feelings and experiences with your sexual conditioning around what a pregnant woman should and shouldn’t do in terms of sexuality plus repressed parts of your own sexuality that are calling for your attention. 

Listen to them and give them an expression…

On to the video..

I’ll be sharing not only the physical aspect of my sexuality during pregnancy, but how my sexuality relates to the spiritual, emotional and mental elements of it. 


If you’re looking to merge your heart and sex connection through a daily devotional erotic ritual, you can access my Devotional Erotic Ritual & Embodiment Practice here.

This is an erotic embodiment practice that combines breathwork, sensual movement, erotic dance, heart and sex connection and devotional ritual.

You’ll receive a 30-minuted guided audio erotic embodiment ritual and a video introducing you to the practice of devotional erotic rituals.

