There are 6 things that get myself AND my clients results EVERY SINGLE TIME. 

I’m giving it to you FOR FREE.

This is what I’ve been personally and professionally doing for 10+ years now to get results and I guide my clients in doing the same.

If you’ve ever wondered exactly what working with me is like (like wtf do we actually do?!) watch or listen to the whole thing!

I have it on Instagram, YouTube and Eros Money Power podcast so scroll down to choose your viewing or listening pleasure.

This right here is the work my clients and I do together in 1:1 or that I lead my students through step-by-step in my digital courses.

Listen for a full breakdown of the 6 things, deeper explanation of each, personal and client result examples and MORE…🫦

I’m not guaranteeing a specific result happening in a set amount of time, but if you apply these 6 things you WILL get results!

1. Using one-time rituals and every day rituals to practice becoming the version of yourself you want to be and connecting to the divine, magical, creative side of yourself.

Ritual connects you to your POWER and when you take practical action from this energy?

It’s like skipping ahead 10 spaces in a board game!💃🏻

2. Interrupting frustrating patterns where they originate — in the nervous system.

It’s not enough to simply think better thoughts, work on your mindset or be more high vibe.

You’ll continue to repeat and recreate what’s most familiar to your nervous system, because it’s safe and comfortable.

You need to change at the level of your nervous system by creating safety and familiarity with what you want.

3. Pleasure creates safety with change, erotic energy is creative energy you can direct into your desires and kink allows you to dominate your doubt and fears.

4. Slowly becoming the version of yourself that has those tangible results and feels a certain way (wealthy, peaceful, turned on, etc.) over time.

Not just anchoring the external results into your mindset, but embodying it in your nervous system.

Allowing the internal to inform the external and match each other.

5. Transmute fear, doubt, scarcity, jealousy, stress, comparison into power, lightness and creative energy using erotic energy to shift your state of consciousness.

6. We celebrate both the internal and external shifts and results, but what’s happening outside of you doesn’t determine your worth, wealth or happiness — the results are YOU, how you feel and who you’ve become.

Everything else is the cherry on top! 🍒

Want me all to yourself as your private mentor for 6 months?

If so, I have ONE 6-month 1:1 spot open & the January BONUS (1 extra month of telegram!) expires end of month!⏰

You get:

💋60-minute desire & intention setting call to kick off
💋3 x 60-minute rituals or sessions per month
💋Daily Telegram support (M-F)
💋Access to my programs & courses
💋60-minute closing ritual to reflect, celebrate & wrap up
💋BONUS: 90-minute erotic rebirth ritual to release the remaining layers & rebirth into who you’re meant to be

​Cost: $3,000/month or $17,500 PIF

🥵PIF bonus: $500 savings AND 1 extra month together (3 x 60-min sessions & Telegram)​

❤️‍🔥JANUARY ONLY BONUS: 1 extra month of Telegram only coaching if you sign up this month. ​

This means you can get 7 or 8 months of working with me for the price of 6 months!

Know this spot is YOURS (even if it’s stretchy)?

Your next step is to DM me on Instagram @theamberrenee or email me at for a no-pressure chat about the spot!🐈‍⬛🥀🍷

We can even hop on a quick call.

Don’t wait — now is the time. Send me a message you minx!🫦



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