What does it take to have really hot, amazing sex? 

I’m talking life-changing sex. The kind of sex that literally changes your chemistry…your body…your life…everything about WHO you are as a woman. 

The kind of sex that leaves you wanting more afterwards and not because you were left unsatisfied, but because it was soooo satisfying that you can’t help but want it again. 

I asked the woman in my private Facebook group what they would include in the “formula” for the hottest sex they’ve ever had. 

So many women shared (if you did, thank you so much!) with me and I knew I had to share the top hot sex traits with you too. 

This formula was crafted by not only me, but by some amazing women who know what they need and want when it comes to sex. 

What I’m going to show you in my latest video is going to help you have that kind of sex. 

Life-altering sex. Because sex IS life. 

THE hottest sex you’ve ever had. Or will ever have. Well, that is until you have sex again…and because you’re about to know the formula that I’m going to share with you, that will be the case!

Every time you have sex, it will get hotter and hotter. More orgasmic.  More amazing. More connected, intimate and fulfilling. 

That’s what I want for us as women. That’s what I want for you. I want YOU to have fulfilling sex that leaves you feeling like you’ve been felt, heard, seen, touched and truly fucked to your core. 

Oh yes. 

So let’s get into it. Press play to learn the formula for the hottest sex you’ll ever have! And then go try them out for yourself…


How to Have an Orgasm From Kissing

You can download a free copy of my Jade Egg Sexual Mastery ebook if you want to learn the secrets of the sexual practice that will help you awaken vaginal pleasure, deep orgasms and more!

jade egg sexual mastery ebook graphic

I would love for you to share this video with any woman (or lover) in your life to spread the hot sex love! You can subscribe to my YouTube channel here to stay updated with my weekly video.

Now an invitation for you to go deeper:

  • What would you include in your own hot sex formula?
  • What are you looking forward to integrating in your own sex life?

