When I was younger I was bullied by some of supposed best girlfriends and it took a major hit to my self-esteem and confidence, not to mention my trust in the feminine (in myself and others).

I remember crying after school and not wanting to go back every day for a long time. I also remember my parents being extremely upset about the situation and trying to get my school to protect me from this bullying, but they didn’t take it seriously. The truth is is that it cost me a lot of my self trust and confidence.

I didn’t love, trust, or honor myself or my sensuality, femininity, or sexuality for years because my confidence was so low. I constantly questioned my self-worth thinking I was either too much or not enough. I remember feeling awkward around everyone and not knowing what to do or what to say. It was painful and heartbreaking for me. 

One of the most potent experiences I’ve had since awakening my sensuality is the full expression and embodiment of my confidence. Feeling confident in my body and in my skin, every day, regardless of what’s going on in my life or who I’m around has allowed me to feel free, loving, and completely safe to be sensual in my own body and skin.

If you’ve ever struggled with feeling confident in who you are as a woman, especially when it comes to being in your femininity, going after your desires, or just feeling really good in your body and skin, then this video is going to very powerful for you.

Watch below and here’s what may happen for you:

  • You’ll love yourself unconditionally and feel confident to own your feminine, sensual power 
  • You’ll no longer question your worth or think unloving thoughts like “I’m too much,” or “I’m not enough”
  • You’ll feel good in your own skin regardless of who you’re around or where you’re at

You can find the Sexual Power Center activation method here.

I’ll be offering my complimentary Awaken Your Sensuality video training series by the end of this week. Sign up for my newsletter here so you don’t miss out! You’ll also get free access to my Sensually Embodied Woman Masterclass.

Comment below and let me know if you struggle with confidence and let me know how I can support you! Or do you have a specific ritual or practice that helps you embody your confidence, sensuality, and sexual power?

xx Amber L