There was a period in time where I would look in the mirror and feel absolutely disgusted with who I was and how I looked.
I remember one profound moment when I was a teenager where I imagined that if I had a red pen and could circle all that I wanted to change on my body, I realized that my whole body–from head to toe–would have been covered in red pen.
This was incredibly heartbreaking and rather sobering for me. However, it wasn’t time for me to start cultivating deep, medicinal self-love from within yet.
I spent many more years awakening to my body and then drifting back into being dormant in my body and life. A couple of years ago I realized that I was done with feeling numb and disconnected, and that there was something deeper inside of me that needed to be awakened and embodied.
It was my connection to the divine feminine. To my sensuality, pleasure, and sexuality–to my orgasmic, Shakti (sexual energy) and feminine essence.
I wanted to feel, give, receive, be and embody DIVINE LOVE–within and without my body.
The key to having a love affair with my body? My sensuality. And it’s your key too, lover. Here’s why:
- Your sensuality is yours and it’s your birthright.
Your sensuality is how you connect to, relate to, and experience your internal and external environment through your five physical senses. However, we are all shamed from a very young age to shut down our sensuality and taught that it’s evil, dirty, bad or wrong among other things.
Learning to awaken and embody your sensuality allows you to FEEL everything in the moment, which allows you to be fully in the moment at hand. Because truly if you can’t feel the aliveness–the juicy, orgasmic pulse–of the moment, then how can you truly be present in that moment? Your sensuality is the expression through which you embody and experience the moment through stimulation. And it’s absolutely divine and delicious!
- Your sensuality taps you back into your pleasure and Shakti.
Pleasure is your birthright, too. Did you know that? It’s been proven that as human beings we turn away from pain and lean into pleasure. So why is it so hard for us to lean into pleasure? To melt into it? Because we’ve been conditioned to believe that sensual pleasure (and sexual pleasure), just like our sensuality, is dirty, bad, evil and wrong. That it’s selfish or that we don’t deserve it.
Well, I say bullshit! Your pleasure is the map to the other areas of your life. If you feel tapped out of pleasure in your body or another area of life (regardless of what it is) you’ll feel drained, exhausted, dormant, numb and disconnected from your life-force and orgasmic, sexual energy aka Shakti.
Your Shakti is your radiance, vitality, creativity, sexual power, and so much more! It’s always present inside of you, even if it’s curled up at the base of your spin like a sleepy serpent. This energy is present from before birth as it’s the exact same energy you’d use to create a physical baby.
Want to learn how to find your personal Pleasure Map so that you can awaken your sensuality and fall deeply in love with your body once and for all? Join my complimentary video training series Awaken Your Sensuality and you’ll get access to three super juicy, content packed videos to help you do just that and more! This training ends on April 6th so make sure you sign up today so you don’t miss out.
- Your sensuality is the greatest measure of how honoring, loving, and compassionate you are towards your body.
When you can truly slow down and feel your body as she is on all levels through your sensuality, then you can immediately know how well you are taking care of YOU. Feel drained, exhausted, and out of it? Maybe you’ve been holding your breath all day or staring blankly at the computer screen for 8 hours. Feel numb, disconnected, and unfulfilled? Perhaps you’ve not touched your body lovingly or given yourself a dose of pleasure in a while.
The easiest way to start awakening and embodying your sensuality so you can have a sexy, steamy love affair with your body is to just notice, right now, where you are in your body. What do you feel? What do you taste? What do you hear? See? Smell? Are you breathing? Do you feel juicy? I invite you to get curious about what your body wants to experience sensually and make it a practice to honor that daily.
What is one thing you can do right now to awaken and embody your sensuality?
P.S. Don’t forget to sign up for my free training series Awaken Your Sensuality and feel free to invite your soul sisters to join us! Women who come together in sisterhood and support literally create beauty, magic, and meaning in the world around them.