Did you know that you can extend your orgasm to last as long as you like?

And that you can keep climbing up the orgasmic ladder, so to speak?

And that your orgasm is limitless…with really no end in sight if you choose to allow and surrender to the waves of ecstasy? 

Since bringing Tantric and Taoist principles and teachings into my self pleasure and sex life, I’ve discovered how to extend my orgasm to last longer than the usual 2-10 second climax. 

I used to only be able to have one type of orgasm – the peak climax, which was never all that fulfilling for me. It was more about releasing tension than anything else.

Since doing this deep sexual energy and awakening work I’ve realized that orgasm is something we can tap into over and over again, expanding and extending it to reach new depths and heights that we never knew were possible before. 

I like to think of it as orgasmic training…

But what exactly is an extended orgasm? And how does it differ from a peak orgasm or climax? 

That’s what I’m going deep into in today’s video blog. We’re discussing what the extended orgasm is, what a peak climax is, why and how they’re different, why you want to open up to extended orgasms and even some of the life-changing benefits of regular extended orgasms.

Click play and get ready to open up your orgasmic awareness!

If you want to learn the art of extended orgasm and how you can use the extended orgasmic state to “plant the seed” of your desire a la sex magic and orgasmic manifestation, then check out my Solo Sex Magic Course, which is open for a limited time. 

If you’d like a taste, you can download my ebook Solo Sex Magic at no cost to get started on your sex magic practice!

Women’s Anatomy of Arousal by Sheri Winston

3 Ways to Expand Your Clitoral Orgasm into a Whole Body Orgasm {Video}

20-Minute Orgasms? My #1 Secret to Longer Orgasms! {Video}

I would love for you to share this video with any woman (or your lover!) in your life to spread the extended orgasm love! You can subscribe to my YouTube channel here to stay updated with my weekly video.

You can also come play with me on Instagram or join my private Facebook group for women only. 

With love,


P.S. Doors close for my Solo Sex Magic Course (for women) on 3/20 right before the stroke of Midnight EST. If you want to join us and learn how to use the extended orgasm state to manifest what you desire through sexual energy work and sex magic, check out the course here while it’s open for a limited time only.