Hey lover! I hosted an impromptu Mini Online Temple live on Periscope on 12/22/15 called the Sexual Energy Masterclass & Embodiment Ritual! It was super juicy and so much fun. I’ll definitely be hosting another one soon so stay tuned. I shared a lot of my...
Recently I’ve noticed that there’s a common thread woven between women and money, safety and trust. While there’s a lot more that falls within each of these concepts (check out the video and you’ll see what I mean), these particular themes have...
Sometimes we come face to face with our inner shadow seductress, our trauma or something that we’re feeling, embodying or experience and we simply don’t know what it is or why it’s happening. Most of the time, we don’t need to know what it is...
As someone who has struggled for years with emotional eating, I know how easy it is to slip into that cycle of needing control and to soothe the pain that lingers in my heart using food. I know what it’s like to reach for sweets or carbs and an over abundance of...
This simple shift in your mindset has the power to transform your entire life. It certainly has transformed mine and it’s only getting better and better. It’s so easy for us to get caught up in the “as soon as I…(fill in the blank)” or...
Why is pleasure essential to healing and living a life full of bliss, passion, and sensuality? Pleasure is your map to the other areas of your life. If you are not allowing yourself to receive pleasure in your body or life, you are constantly going to feel overworked,...