I want to invite you into a really beautiful, sacred experience with me for seven days… I present to you 7 Days of Sensual Self-Love 7 Days of Sensual Self-Love is a mini email course and sensual experience for women who want to use their sensuality to fall in...
I have a really simple technique you can use to awaken your sensuality and sexual energy (aka Shakti) within 60 seconds or less! This is something I use when I’m feeling less than orgasmic in my body and/or life and instantly want to rev up my sensuality and...
I’ve been using the magical jade egg for a year now and there has been so much that has transformed in my body and life since integrating this sacred tool into my sensual rituals. In honor of engaging in this beautiful, sensual and orgasmic practice for a year,...
As a woman, you have a deeply Divine and sacred connection to your body and sensuality. This connection is what I refer to as your Sensual Source of Divinity and Intuition. I made a video for you discussing what I consider–based on my own personal...
Do you ever feel like you’re on auto-pilot throughout your day and you don’t have “enough” time to really connect to, awaken and embody your sensuality? While I’m a huge advocate for living a life that is sensually awakened and embodied...
Hey lover! I hosted an impromptu Mini Online Temple live on Periscope on 12/22/15 called the Sexual Energy Masterclass & Embodiment Ritual! It was super juicy and so much fun. I’ll definitely be hosting another one soon so stay tuned. I shared a lot of my...