I just unleashed a whole new level of my sexual energy, erotic power and orgasmic potential during a powerful lovemaking ritual with my partner today. My cervix was activated beyond anything I’ve ever experienced before…and I didn’t even climax. Although my...
I’ve been waiting for this moment for almost two years… Patiently waiting…not wanting to force, yet desperately craving the release. The shedding and destruction that only comes with this moment. The first few drops of menstrual blood appeared...
I didn’t grow up with a healthy and holistic relationship with my sexuality. The only thing I learned in my sex ed class was this: don’t have sex, because then you’ll get pregnant or an STD. It’s not surprising that the sexual education system...
I get asked by a lot of women who are interested in a jade egg practice if they should use other crystals besides jade and in this week’s video, I’m going to share my personal answer to this question and… My recommendations for what stone to use for your...
Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius! How is your energy feeling under the light of this full moon? I’m in Michigan and it’s overcast today so I guess I’m experiencing a lack of full moon light. I can still feel the full moon energy strong though. I woke...
I’ve decided to do a 30-day personal experiment focused on following my pussy and what will bring her pleasure. I like to think of it as dancing ecstatically down the path of pussy. I’m re-initiating myself back onto the path with reinvigorated passion and...