Ep. 184: 3 Ways to Live Like a Sex Witch

You have a Sex Witch within you…and I’m calling her forth today. In today’s episode, I’m diving into a transmission on the Sex Witch archetype, the magical energy she will bring to your life & business… PLUS 3 real ways you can resurrect & embody your inner...
Behind the scenes: how I hold myself through a launch, quantum leap or uplevel

Behind the scenes: how I hold myself through a launch, quantum leap or uplevel

Every chance I get I like to give you an intimate peek into how I move through life, love, sex, money & business⁣⁣Especially how I handle & hold continual quantum growth, expansion & uplevels ⁣⁣I am constantly growing, expanding & deepening my:⁣⁣💋Level...
Sexy Client Spotlight: Nikki on Giving Yourself Permission, Authenticity in Eroticism & Unexpectedly Attracting a Dream Lover

Sexy Client Spotlight: Nikki on Giving Yourself Permission, Authenticity in Eroticism & Unexpectedly Attracting a Dream Lover

This is one of the juiciest podcast conversations EVER.⁣ I interviewed one of my Seductress Deep Dive clients, Nikki.⁣ She shared so raw and real what her journey has been like connecting to her pleasure, eros and seductress.⁣⁣ She shared what it was like being...
Why I Want You to Literally be Obsessed With Yourself, Who You’re Becoming & the Life You’re Living Now

Why I Want You to Literally be Obsessed With Yourself, Who You’re Becoming & the Life You’re Living Now

I want you to look in the mirror and be obsessed with yourself, but from a deep place of unconditional self love. The kind of deep self love and red-hot erotic self approval where you’d still be just as obsessed with yourself if you had zero dollars in your bank...