If you’ve been trying to create or manifest a desire, I imagine at some point in your journey you’ve felt the opposite of magnetic and irresistible. Like where is this thing I want so badly??? Why isn’t it here yet? Why is my desire being such a sexy...
This podcast episode was extracted from a recent Q&A call I held for my old program, Solo Sex Magic. I wanted to share it here because it was sooo juicy I couldn’t not share it. It’s packed with sex magic secrets, erotic wisdom and practices...
This podcast episode is a repurposed livestream I did in my private Facebook group for womxn, Reclaiming Your Eroticism. I totally recommend joining here — I guarantee it will be the hottest group & you’ll be dripping wet with excitement to come in...
Today’s podcast episode is a teaser and seductive sneak peek into part of the curriculum for my Solo Sex Magic program. You’ll learn about the Orgasmic Desire Cycle…which is a cycle that every single one of your hottest, juiciest desires will go...
This is part of my Sex Magic Playshop Series, which is a series of live streams that I’ve been hosting in my private Facebook group for womxn over the past week. Want to manifest an amazing lover who will throw $500 cash on your naked body during sex (among many...
Today we’re looking at why it’s necessary for you to excavate, fuck and make love to your shadows (and your shame and resistance, fears) in order to create and receive your desires when doing sex magic. This is part of my Sex Magic Playshop Series, which...