Do you ever feel like you deprive yourself of pleasure? Or deny yourself pleasure as punishment? Or because you don’t feel worthy of it? Or because it makes you feel guilty and ashamed? Or do you tend to swing to the other side of the pendulum and overindulge in...
Grab a glass of red wine or a cup of tea and get cozy for a really sexy, raw and intimate conversation featuring my 2nd time guest… My lover and partner, Andy! It’s always so fun having him on the podcast and getting inside of his head… We talk about...
I want you to look in the mirror and be obsessed with yourself, but from a deep place of unconditional self love. The kind of deep self love and red-hot erotic self approval where you’d still be just as obsessed with yourself if you had zero dollars in your bank...
If you’ve been trying to create or manifest a desire, I imagine at some point in your journey you’ve felt the opposite of magnetic and irresistible. Like where is this thing I want so badly??? Why isn’t it here yet? Why is my desire being such a sexy...
In honor of doors being officially open for my 9-week online program for womxn, Erotic Magnetism, I wanted to share some of the rituals and practices I do regularly to go from feeling unfulfilled and turned off to orgasmically fulfilled and turned the fuck on!...
This podcast episode was extracted from a recent Q&A call I held for my old program, Solo Sex Magic. I wanted to share it here because it was sooo juicy I couldn’t not share it. It’s packed with sex magic secrets, erotic wisdom and practices...