Have you ever heard the James Redfield quote “Where Attention goes Energy flows; Where Intention goes Energy flows?” This is also true when it comes to the attention, awareness and intention for our sexual energy and orgasm. If you want to expand your...
Have you been curious about what a conscious, sexually empowered man has to say around female sexuality and orgasm? If so, you won’t want to miss today’s podcast conversation…it’s super juicy and full of practices and insights that will help...
The first time I ever remember experiencing a clitoral orgasm was at the young age of 2 years old. It’s really common (more common than I would have ever thought) for young toddlers to explore their bodies sensually and sexually through pleasurable touch or...
I’ve been working very gently from my bedroom today, because I’m about to start my period and all I want is to melt into my fluffy blankets with a cup of rose tea and a piece of organic vanilla bean dark chocolate. As you might experience yourself, my...
What does it take to have really hot, amazing sex? I’m talking life-changing sex. The kind of sex that literally changes your chemistry…your body…your life…everything about WHO you are as a woman. The kind of sex that leaves you wanting more...
Are you feeling juicy and orgasmic this week? I’ve been diving even deeper into my orgasmic morning practice this week so I definitely am. (I have something you’re going to love coming your way soon!) I thought it might be fun to make my weekly video a...