There’s something so beautiful and sacred about having a relationship that combines sexuality and love–Eros–a Greek term for ‘Sexual Love.’ For me, Eros is the North Star of relationships. The ultimate thing I strive for when I’m in...
Have you ever considered that the key to abundance, pleasure and deep (super delicious) orgasms resides between your thighs? The Holy Grail–a sacred chalice between your legs that allows you to experience the depth of pleasure, bliss and prosperity. Your...
Have you ever thought about what forms your sexual identity–the way you carry yourself sexually along with how you view, feel and think about sexuality? I like to think that everyone’s sexual identity is comprised of two parts (or two energies, if you...
When I was younger I had the ability to experience profound orgasms through my whole body, but after years of feeling shame, pain, and guilt after self-pleasuring or tapping into this erotic energy, I stopped feeling the power of my climax as an adult. Sure, I could...
When I started using a jade egg I wasn’t really sure what to expect exactly. I’d heard a lot of sex coaches and jade egg mentors mention that you could heal bladder incontinence, strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, and have deeper, more powerful...
Last week I shared with you the practical, magical, and erotic benefits of using a jade egg and today I want to dive deeper into how to use a jade egg so you can get started on your jade egg practice and begin having a more satisfying, pleasurable & passionate...