I was supposed to launch my new sex magic incubator publicly yesterday, but I decided to go offline & live my life instead — let me explain.🫦 I’ve launched a million times it seems over the past 8.5 years. I know when to lean more into strategy. Like planning...
In this Sexy Client Spotlight repurposed as a podcast from my Instagram, I chat with my mentor AND client Crystal Avila Langen who is in my 9-month Mary Magdalene Sex Priestess training We talk about… What it was like for her (as MY mentor) to want my sx...
Have you ever opened Instagram or Facebook and saw another woman’s post who you admire and felt your stomach drop… Because she’s a whole damn vibe that you want to be…and you know deep down that YOU are that whole damn vibe too🔥 She’s living her life in a way...
Every chance I get I like to give you an intimate peek into how I move through life, love, sex, money & businessEspecially how I handle & hold continual quantum growth, expansion & uplevels I am constantly growing, expanding & deepening my:💋Level...
Are you part of the revolution? This is what I’m devoted to creating myself & modeling for others so they can create it too My devotion to wealth: BEING wealthy in all ways no matter what so that wealth feels safe, wanted & loved with me And using my wealth...
When I launch or do anything to uplevel or expand in my life and business… I take good fucking care of myself. I manage my mindset & energy. I let life make love to me. And because I do that, lover – the actions come easily, because they are inspired!...