This practice is part of my Erotic Ritual Breathwork Series. 

Over the next few weeks I’m going to share three of my favorite breath work rituals for connecting to your erotic nature, building more pleasure and sexual energy in your body AND making yourself more whole body orgasmic in the process.

The practice I’m sharing with you today is…

Orgasmic Heart Breathing for an orgasmic heart and delicious heart or breast orgasms!

I teach Orgasmic Heart Breathing in every single one of my courses right now, including my jade egg course, because it helps you to cultivate a relationship between your heart and sexuality. Your pussy and heart. 

Here in this space of awakening your orgasmic heart, your heart and sex come into communion with one another, opening you to deeper love and melting away any past hurt, trauma, fears, grief or resentments.

An orgasmic heart is a heart that is supercharged with eroticism AND unconditional, devotional love  for yourself, your partner(s), mother earth, others and the divine (whatever that relationship looks and feels like for you).

Orgasmic Heart Breathing was one of the first practices I started doing in the beginning phase of my sexual healing and awakening journey. As I delved deeper into my sensuality and sexuality practices (like dance, the jade egg, breast massage) I started to unearth and wake up the erotic energy in my heart.

About four years ago, following two rather devastating break-ups in a row, I started doing a lot of inner work to connect my heart and pussy together, opening them both so that I could heal sexually and cultivate that sexual relationship with myself as my own lover.

I never would have imagined that breathwork and learning to move my sexual energy into my heart would literally alter the course of my whole life…in sex, love AND every other area of my life…

I’ll share more in the video around what my first heart orgasm felt like, because it was absolutely magical and has allowed me to open in ways I just couldn’t do before learning and regularly doing these practices. 

Orgasmic Heart Breathing is amazing for you if you…

Feel disconnected from your sexuality or see it as a burden, as something dirty, bad or wrong. Or you feel like you have to choose between having great sex or having great love.

Maybe this means that you’ve experienced deep love with someone, but found that the sex wasn’t that great. Or experienced it the other way around — hot sex with no true connection, intimacy or feelings of love.

When you wake your heart up and infuse it with sexual energy and feelings of eroticism, love and pleasure…amazing things will unfold for you. 

You’ll feel luscious in your body and life. Centered in your own divine source of love for yourself. Able to open deeper to yourself and a lover…and intimately connected with your own sexuality. 

Learn more about this breathwork ritual for luscious breast and heart orgasms by pressing play on the video. 

Download the full Orgasmic Heart Breathwork Ritual here for free. You’ll also receive access to the next two breathwork rituals over the next couple of weeks when you sign up. 

This is a great practice to do before using your jade egg or you can insert your jade egg and do a ritual and practice using this breathwork as you squeeze and relax your muscles around the jade egg.

…if you need a jade egg to begin or deepen your practice, you can check out my jade egg shop here.

You can also do Orgasmic Heart Breathing along with my guided meditation for opening to love and pleasure in the face of closure.

This meditation is amazing for those times where you find yourself shutting down when the love and/or pleasure you’re experiencing feels overwhelming, too intense or like it’s too much.

Sometimes we hit our upper limit with pleasure and love, so we’ll shut ourselves off and recoil in closure. I want to invite you to open deeper, open wider and open more fully by combining Orgasmic Heart Breathing with the jade egg practice AND this guided meditation. 

In a few weeks I’ll be sharing a guided self pleasure ritual you can do with a crystal dildo or pleasure wand so Orgasmic Heart Breathing and the jade egg are both great practices for warming yourself up for any kind of penetration and also for bringing these styles of breathwork in while you self pleasure or have sex.

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and join my erotic newsletter when you download the Orgasmic Heart Breath Ritual so you don’t miss next week’s ritual breathwork practice when it comes out…which will focus around fully waking up your pussy and the pleasure, sensation, lubrication and orgasm that lives deep inside.

Until then…

All my love. 

