I often talk about self-love cultivation as being one of the most important ways to fully awaken and embody your sensuality as a woman. I’ve also realized throughout my own “spiritual and sensual awakening and embodiment journey” that there is another essential reason for self-love and the process and journey of cultivation itself.
I know that a lot of us women are searching for this epic, soul-fulfilling love with another person. Our beloved. Our soul mate. Whatever you’d like to call it. If you’re lucky enough to have already found that Divine level of love with another person, that’s an absolutely beautiful and sacred thing. Honor it. Treasure it. Embody it completely.
What I’ve realized though is that you truly have to cultivate deep self-love from within for YOURSELF before you can truly give and receive love with another human being. We are all Divine, spiritual beings having this amazing human experience in these beautiful, sacred bodies.
But what if we really slowed down and stopped focusing so much on attaining this love and instead, we took the time to cultivate it within ourselves first?
What if we learned to embody our own love in preparation for this epic, soul-level, fulfilling love with another Divine being?
What if we allowed the love to simmer, brew and explode within our own hearts, cracking them wide open with healing and sacredness before we even thought about sharing this with another soul?
For some of you this might sound terrifying, and for others, it might sound fair enough. I truly believe that love comes to us when Divine timing decides it is so, whether YOU feel “ready” or not.
I don’t believe that everything in your life has to be perfect before you can readily accept love. You don’t have to lose those extra 20 lbs, make 6 figures in your business, or feel like everything is planned and filed away perfectly for you to have this sacred love in your life. But I do believe that in order for you to be really, truly ready of having, receiving, embodying and fully allowing this love to be in your body and life, that you need to love yourself unconditionally and completely first.
If you don’t love yourself and cultivate your own self-love first, all of those old beliefs, patterns and shadows will come out in your relationship and you won’t know how to handle them in the healthiest way–or even at all. These shadows naturally come out when you’re in a relationship with another being because that’s what relationships do. They’re one of our greatest teachers. It’s where we come together, one Divine being with another, hearts open and full, bodies ready to explore one another, and we heal those old wounds by drawing them out of one another.
If you notice your shadows coming out and HEALING, then you know you’re on the right track and same for your partner. There is a difference between a relationship with your beloved that is a Divine union, co-creation and actually helping you both heal and step into the next level of your true selves and a relationship where your shit is constantly coming up, but you’re ignoring it and pushing it back down.
When you are in a relationship with someone, your shit is bound to get stirred up. It’s going to unleash, but you both need to be able to work through it, alone and together. Relationships are co-creations. They are two people coming together to support one another in a spiritual and loving way. So if you are repeating the same patterns over and over again with the same partner or different partners over a period of time, then you may need to step back and really learn to cultivate that medicinal, healing love within for yourself.
Cultivating this love within will allow you to attract and receive your beloved, soul mate or a complementary partner or lover. It prepares you for reaching new heights and levels of love, not only with yourself, but with this other person. Love is a spiritual journey, whether you’ve realized this before or not. Relationships help us grow and stretch beyond our old limits and shed those layers of ourselves that are no longer serving us.
If you aren’t doing the inner work to really cultivate the love within yourself, you won’t be able to give love to another. I always say that love is the greatest gift you can give to yourself. Your own cup needs to over-flow with love before you can truly give to another. Would you want anything less in return? If your partner or lover doesn’t love himself/herself, how can they possibly give you the love that you desire and crave from them? The same goes for you being able to truly show up for that other person with love already brewing and over-flowing in your heart. You need to be juicy and ripe with bliss and ecstasy for yourself before you can let it flow into them.
You are whole. You do not have a void that needs to be filled. You don’t need to be fixed, saved or loved by another in order to feel or be whole, complete, divine, sacred, etc.
You are loved. Always. By the Divine (whatever you want to call it—Spirit, God/Goddess, mother earth, etc.) You are loved and supported by the Universe. So don’t deny yourself the greatest love from your greatest beloved—YOU!
Yes! You are your beloved. Before you can find the love you most likely desire with another, you need to love yourself—“flaws” and all. Unconditionally. Completely. You need to be sensually embodied and tapped into your own pleasure first. You need to know what your own desires are (both sexually and in life) so you can share your desires unapologetically with the one you share your body and space with.
All of this starts with self-love cultivation. Self-love is the foundation for becoming a sensually embodied woman, or really becoming anything at all. Only through self-love can you truly know and honor yourself in all ways—spiritually, emotionally, physically, sensually, sexually and mentally. One of the most important things is to embody your ideal lover or partner so you can call them in and receive them fully, when it’s meant to happen. I talk more about that here. You can read more about the key and importance of cultivation here, whether it be with self-love, love with another or anything else in your body, business or life.
For some really amazing sacred self-love tips, check out this post I wrote a while ago. If you need some juicy, sensual ideas on how to cultivate sacred self-love from within, that’s a great place to start!
Another realization for me is that it’s all well and good to talk about self-love, but a lot of us need support in finding and truly embodying this harmonious relationship with our own bodies and ourselves. It’s a process. That’s why it’s good to let it cultivate. It’s not an overnight process. It’s not a 6-step blueprint or 3-part formula. This is a messy, unique, beautiful, spiritual, sensual and sacred journey that each woman encounters and experiences in her own feminine way.
I know how important it is to have sacred space held for you though. I’ve felt myself flourish with the support of someone who created a sacred, safe, healing and intimate environment or container for which I’m able to heal, shed layers, grow and eventually, thrive. This is the space where you become a sensually embodied woman. You find your confidence. You cultivate that deep, medicinal love from within that I’ve been talking about. You own your pleasure and your sexuality. You step into your desires, moving through any fear or resistance with ease and grace. You trust. You surrender. You exude sensual bliss, passion and beauty. You embody your sensual divinity. And eventually, you allow yourself to receive the love that you so desire with another Divine being–all because you allowed yourself to cultivate self-love from within and embodied your pleasure and sensuality. Embodying your true feminine essence as a woman.
I know how important this is to you, because it was that important to me. When I became sensually embodied and really loved myself, fully and completely, I realized what kind of love I was worthy and deserving of having. If you’d like to explore this for yourself and you’re absolutely ready to awaken and embody your sensuality through self-love cultivation, tapping into your pleasure and owning your sacred, feminine power, then let’s have an intimate discussion. I’m inviting you to personally speak with me for 30-minutes in a complimentary Sensual Embodiment Session. This is a sacred, safe space for us to unearth your goals, dreams and wildest desires together along with finding out what’s holding you back from having all that you desire and more. Are you ready? If so, book your call here.
I’m putting together a signature 6-month 1:1 coaching package right now so that you can truly take your time cultivating and embodying your sensuality and self-love with my support. That’s what creates sustainable, life-long change. The space and time to cultivate. I can’t wait to speak with you. Regardless, I honor you for showing up here and taking the time to read this. It was meant to be.
Sending you so much divine love, sensual woman.
Drop me a comment below and tell me, what’s your favorite way to show yourself some love?
I tried to sign up for a session but I do not see any available spots. Am I too late?
Hi lab, I switched calendar systems so that link is old. Sorry about that! You can book a 30-minute complimentary Sensual Embodiment session here: bit.ly/embodimentsession
Much love!