There’s something so beautiful and sacred about being able to transmute pain, grief, sadness, anger or rage into something that feels really good. If you think about it a lot of us spend a huge amount of time and energy trying to shut down these so-called “negative” emotions. We quickly stuff them down into the deep, dark corners of the body, heart and soul once we experience even an inkling of said emotions.

We often refuse to accept, acknowledge, feel or even love these aspects of ourselves. But what if we tried a more honoring and healing approaching to dealing with these emotions and experiences? What if we stepped into the role of a Priestess and through sacred alchemy, we transmuted those emotions into pure gold? Into healing, Divine LOVE?

Have you ever felt the heavy weight of grief on your heart? The way it presses into you so hard and thick, almost like you’re heart chakra is full of dark molasses? If you have, then I’m honored to tell you that grief can be transmuted and alchemized into the most fulfilling, heart-shattering, beautiful and ecstatic love.

I had a personal experience a few months ago where I was in deep sorrow over lost love with someone I cared very deeply for. My heart was throbbing painfully. My eyes were full of hot, heavy tears and all I wanted to do was scream, cry and writhe around in a rage-filled fit. I could feel this energy, this darkness consuming me completely. I had never let it do this before. I had never indulged in the feeling of my “darker” emotions.

Before this experience, I had always rejected these type of emotions. I would quickly change my thoughts to something more positive and force myself to move on, without actually processing what I was feeling. I didn’t want to rock the boat or feel the pain, but in reality, I was creating an abundance of pain by neglecting, hiding and denying the expression and embodiment of these emotions.

Once I let the grief and sorrow fill me up like a sacred vessel and FELT every single cell of my body, heart and soul over-flowing with this grief, I instinctively knew what was coming next. It hit me like a ton of bricks, hard and fast. I surrendered. I released. I felt my heart shatter quickly and powerfully into a black abyss of sweet, ecstatic love–Divine love.

It was almost orgasmic, this experience. I felt the quickening of my emotions, the way my body and heart trembled under the heaviness of my grief. Then, suddenly it was alchemized through an explosion of my full heart into the best substance of life. In that moment, I was high on Divine love. I was lost in a state of temporary ecstasy. I cried tears of joy and a wide smile spread deliciously across my face. I was awakened, embodied and set free by my grief.

Since then, I have not denied a single emotion from being loved, accepted, felt, embodied or expressed and it has transformed my entire life. I truly believe that it can change your life, too.
Imagine a world where you allow yourself to actually honor an emotion or experience that you’ve been previously conditioned to associate as negative. Imagine completely surrendering to it and letting it wash over you, feeling every inch of your body consumed with the emotion. Letting it flow powerfully, reveling in it and allowing it to run its course naturally. Then, you transmute that feeling in your heart into something that can only be felt as Divine love. What would that feel like for you?

Through sacred transmutation you can turn those typically unwanted emotions and feelings into a celebration of embodying and expressing them fully, allowing your heart to alchemize it into nothing but pure love.

Grief can easily turn into ecstasy in your heart, body and soul if you allow yourself the time and space to feel, express and embody the feeling or emotion of grief. Once you feel that it’s no longer serving you to be present, you can let that grief crack your heart wide open. Visualize your heart bursting wide open and radiating, full and ripe, with Divine, blissful love. The sweetest nectar of them all.

Bring into your mind’s eye the fullness of your heart. The way it felt to let yourself surrender and shatter wide open. To feel the ecstatic orgasm of your heart cracking open completely to let Divine love in, to honor it as it flows throughout your entire body.

The only way that you can transmute your pain, anger, rage and your deep sadness into something healing, beneficial, honoring and loving is to FEEL it. To embody it. To express it in a healthy and safe manner. To let it flow through you until you intuitively know it’s time to release it through transmutation. And just like that, your heart acts as a sacred tool, alchemizing and reshaping the components of your emotions so that the final product is the most Divine and welcoming LOVE.

I’m accepting limited private coaching clients right now so if you desire to be one of them or to at least explore what that would feel like, book your complimentary Sensual Embodiment Session here. I’d be honored to get to know you a little better and see if we’re a good match for your sensually embodied, self-love journey. <3

Let’s discuss in the comments below. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Have you ever transmuted your grief, rage, or sorrow into something more healing, such as love?? Do you allow yourself the space to embody, feel and express your emotions in a healthy way?