

The Divine.


Are you ready for this?

You slip slowly into a sexy black dress. It feels magical on your body, like cool velvet draping deliciously over your aroused, sensitive skin. You close your eyes dreamily, feeling the dress caress your curves, your skin, your entire feminine, sensual body. It envelopes you. You feel full of desire, passion, and ecstasy. You are ready to dance, wildly and seductively with desire, darkness and The Divine.

Do you ever dance with desire? What about with your darkness, those shadows and layers within you that maybe you don’t even acknowledge at times? What about with the Divine, your spiritual connection, whatever that may mean for you?

Do you dance with these parts of you often? Do you let them seduce you on a daily basis? Do you engage in these sacred parts within yourself fully and let them penetrate you so deeply that you simmer, explode, shatter, and rebirth from this necessary, almost orgasmic death?

In my life, I find desire, darkness, and the divine to be reoccurring themes that keep showing up in an assortment of ways. No matter what I do, where or I turn, or what I manage to work through, my need for desire is always there. My DESIRE for desire. My need for this darkness to emerge and open me up and penetrate me in ways I could never imagine. My need to connect to the Divine, whether it be in nature, meditation, or through moving my body and feeling this energy coursing through my limbs in a way I can’t even process fully. I just know it’s there, pulsing within me. Flowing deliciously.

Opening me.

Softening me.

Exciting me.

Revealing me.

Causing me to shed layers of myself. Making me unravel, come undone, and melt into the bliss of my own body.


As for me? I dare to dance, wildly, ecstatically and sensually with my desires. I invite them out to play. I entice them to reveal themselves and then I focus on bringing them into reality. Our desires are those sacred, deep-rooted NEEDS and WANTS that absolutely must be manifested. They stir, deep in our sacral chakra. They reside between our hips. They float around in our hearts and drift passionately through our minds all day long.

Listen in. Hear your body. Tap into your heart. Use your senses. Ignite them completely and LET DESIRE IN. Let it consume you. Let it wash over you, fill you, open you, seduce you, shatter you. Let your desires break you open.




My inner darkness is my newest favorite dance partner. Normally I would have shied away from getting down with my darkness. I would have tuned it out, pretended it wasn’t there, or numbed it out with mindless, emotional eating, hours of tv or other unfulfilling activities. I would have let my anxiety, patterns, blocks, excuses and deepest, darkest shadows control me, in a very unhealthy manner.

Now I seductively call my darkness out and ask it to move with me. Flow with me. I feel my darkness. I become aware of whatever it is that I need to feel or acknowledge within me. I FEEL it so deeply that it shatters me in the best way possible. I create a sacred and safe container in which to hold these emotions, feelings, and shadows. I use my self-love rituals to nourish myself when I feel that my darkness has taken over. I let it course through me, whatever it is. Anger, pain, jealousy, disappointment. I FEEL it and dance with it. Then I release it.

How wonderful it feels. That release. That letting go. Coming undone. Unraveling, one layer at a time. It almost feels like ecstasy. Like an orgasm. It feels dangerous, wicked, needed. And how necessary it is. The healing that comes from it is medicine for the soul. 


The Divine…

My dance with the Divine has not been as new, although it has transcended into an entirely new realm. The Divine is always changing yet is always the same for me. It’s the essence, the universal source, or higher power that governs, creates, and courses through all. It’s in the sturdy trunks of ancient trees. It’s in the ocean and the stars. It’s in the heartbeat of a newborn and deep within the soul of mankind. It’s the pulse of the earth. It’s everything within and without us.

It’s sacred. It’s powerful. It’s transcended. It’s love. It’s energy. It’s everything.

I flirt and I dance. I sway my hips in rhythm with the Divine. I’m looking forward to really nurturing this relationship in the coming years.

When we invite our desires, our darkness, and our connection to the Divine out to play, we are creating space for rebirth, transcendence and true healing. We are allowing ourselves the pleasure of making our lives more fulfilling, more aligned. We are dancing seductively with all that we are worthy and deserving of receiving.

As for you, how can you invite your desires to speak louder?
How can you invite your darkness to play so that you can release, heal, and move forward in life?
How can you tango with the Divine?

How can you connect all of these pieces in a way that is unique to you? What do they mean for you? Leave me a comment below and share your experience.
