Since I’m so dedicated to my own personal jade egg practice and I openly share and teach on it, I get a lot of questions on a daily basis from women who are inquiring about the intriguing jade egg.
I’ve also been doing a lot of personal research, embodying my own practice and gathering feedback, comments and questions from a lot of women in my online community. (You can join my private Facebook group for women here.)
I don’t blame you for being intrigued and curious either. I remember being so fascinated the first time I heard about the jade egg. It came at the perfect time for me.
I knew I desperately needed sexual healing, but I didn’t know where to even start…or how the hell to feel comfortable enough even looking there in the first place! Can you relate?
This luxurious gem was certainly stirring up something deep inside of me…
I was confused, yet bewitched.
Terrified, yet deeply excited.
I was absolutely enchanted.
I knew it was going to change things for me drastically. Something inside of me opened up that day and was calling for me to begin this ancient sexual practice.
At first I just soaked up as much information on the jade egg that I could by watching tons of videos and reading a bunch of articles from mentors already practicing or teaching it.
I felt so deeply drawn to the practice beyond just for reasons of having a stronger pelvic floor, easing my bladder incontinence or having a luscious libido.
All of that sounded (and is!) great…but there was a deep, sacred and exquisitely erotic side of me that wanted to step out and intuitively I knew using a jade egg was going to unlock that part of me.
The hidden, repressed, shamed and unloved parts of my sexuality.
I’m deeply passionate about the jade egg for very good reason. I know what the potential is for a woman to unlock from within when she devotes herself to healing and awakening sexually. Unfolding into the erotic woman she is.
So allow me to answer some of the most common questions the women in my community ask me rather frequently. If you’ve been intrigued by the practice yet nervous, like I was, no worries. My latest video should shed some light on any of your fears, resistance or anxiety.
If you want to know what the jade egg is, how it’s used or some of the benefits, CLICK HERE for my other videos, podcasts and articles on the jade egg.
I created a brand new Jade Egg Video Salon for you, which is FREE 3-part video series that will take you on a journey through the power and beauty of using a jade egg to awaken vaginal pleasure, harness your sexual energy and connect you back to your deeply erotic and highly orgasmic nature as a woman. You can sign up for that here.
You can also download a free copy of my jade egg ebook Awaken Your Erotic Power Using a Jade Egg here to get access to some simple jade egg practices!
Or if you prefer to read instead of watch, read the transcript below:
Today I have a super juicy post for you answering the top questions I get around the jade egg and the practice itself.
It’s really common for women to have hesitations around any kind of sexual healing or awakening practice, especially when it comes to sticking something inside of your vagina, a space that holds so much shame, trauma and maybe intense pain or numbness.
So before we get into this I want to reassure you that having fears, anxiety or resistance come up is normal, but I invite you to take a deep breath down into your pussy. Just get acquainted with her and open your mind and heart as I address the questions I’ve received about the jade egg.
Chances are if you’re reading this, and you either have a jade egg practice already or you’re intrigued by starting one, then there’s a very good reason you’re here right now.
Can I use the jade egg if I’m pregnant or trying to get pregnant?
The jade egg is great to use if you’re preparing your body for pregnancy to strengthen your pelvic floor and even enhance your sexual vitality, fertility and juiciness as a woman, but you’ll want to take a break from the practice if you’re pregnant or become pregnant.
This is because the jade egg stirs up and directs so much of your sexual, life-force energy and when you’re pregnant all of that energy needs to go into gestating a baby in your womb. It’s best to wait 6-8 weeks post-partum before using a jade egg, but you can always consult your medical physician for more information.
Can I use the jade egg on my period?
This is for each woman to decide based on each cycle and what her body needs and craves. If your body feels good using the egg on your period, then you can follow that, but it’s also wise to make sure your body can shed your menstrual blood since your period is a highly sensitive and intuitive time for shedding, releasing and going inward. This both a physical shedding of your moon blood, but also a spiritual and emotional shedding of what no longer serves through your vagina.
Some periods I feel more inclined to do a quick practice with it and other times I just want to connect with my egg in other ways, like infusing it with my desires, meditating with it or simply placing it outside of my vaginal opening or on my vulva while I do breathing exercises to deepen pleasure and orgasmic energy.
I actually teach a few ways to use your egg non-vaginally in my jade egg online course the Jade Awakening Salon, because the jade egg can still have so much power for us even when it’s not inserted and I love the idea of taking advantage of it as much as possible. Or even for the days when your body says no to receiving the egg.
Can you wear the jade egg during sex?
Yes! In fact I love it! I used to wear my egg all of the time with my last lover and it definitely increased sensation, pleasure, arousal and sexual energy for both of us. It also helped me train myself to have deeper vaginal orgasms, like cervical orgasms by isolating and squeezing my vaginal muscles near the cervix.
Using the jade egg trains you to be able to isolate the three sections of your vagina. This also applies to self-pleasuring whether you’re using a dildo like a yoni wand or even your fingers.
What if it gets stuck?
It’s not going to get stuck. Your body is incredibly wise and intelligent and is naturally able to birth or expel out. What usually happens when we try to birth or push the egg out and it doesn’t come out, because our pelvic floor muscles are so weak, is we immediately contract, tighten up and panic.
When we panic, our bodies create more stress, panic and then the vagina literally tightens around the egg, locking it in.
What you want to do when you feel like it’s not coming out is one of two things. One. Relax, breathe deeply and trust your body. It’s not going to stay in forever and it’s not going to harm you if it stays in for a longer period of time. I’ve worn mine for up to two weeks on occasion, but your body will naturally release the egg when it’s done or tired. This is a very feminine approach that I teach my clients and in my salon, because the jade egg is a practice of surrender.
Jade is a very healing crystal so if the egg wants to stay in, there may be a deeper emotional, physical or spiritual reason. Deeper healing may be going on, especially since we store our trauma, pain or numbness in the tissue of the vagina.
The second thing you can do if you absolutely do want the egg out is to again, relax. Breathe deeply down into your pelvis. Make sure your jaw, throat, mouth, belly and whole pelvis are relaxed. Then, squat down really low and breathe deeply as you push.
Don’t strain, but just focus on pushing. You can also attach a string to your jade egg for support in removal too, but it’s good to train yourself to first of all, trust and surrender in your practice since this is a deeper concept than just strengthening your pelvic floor and second, to birth it out.
You can take a hot bath to loosen yourself up a bit too or try laughing. Sometimes it helps it slide right on out.
Can the jade egg get lost inside of me?
Nope! The vagina is a closed canal because the cervix, which is the bottom part of your uterus, is located at the deepest section of your vagina preventing it from passing through. You definitely don’t want to use your jade egg anally though so just stick to using it vaginally or outside of your body.
What if the jade egg falls out?
This is normal, especially when you first start using it and building up strength and suppleness in the vagina. The easiest thing to do is to insert the egg, stand up in a space that has soft carpet or a towel beneath you and see how long the egg stays in. If it falls out immediately then you can start with practices that involve you lying down or sitting.
I teach several of these in my free jade egg ebook and in my online salon. You can actually grab a copy of the ebook here.
As you start increasing strength, you can gradually move into standing practices or even wearing it around. I love doing a mix of practices, whether lying or standing, and wearing my egg around, but you have to start where your body and where your pussy is at.
It takes time to build strength and to heal so don’t be too hard on yourself if it slips out. Just lie back, relax and work on learning how to isolate each section before moving into a standing practice.
If you find that you can retain the egg for long periods of time while standing then you can experiment with leaving it in for a few minutes, hours or days even. You can go dancing with it in, make love, grocery shopping, doing yoga etc.
Another important thing is to take notice of where the egg is at inside of your vagina when you have to use the bathroom. It’s common for it to slide out when you’re using the bathroom and if it pops out, no worries just make sure to clean it really well afterwards.
If you want, you can attempt to remove it beforehand if you’re unsure of whether you’ll be able to keep it in. Usually you can tell when it’s starting to slide down. If your vagina seems very weak and numb you can insert a finger to see where it’s at.
You’ll find this happening less and less as you do your practice more.
Is it normal for it to travel deep into my vaginal canal near the cervix and turn sideways?
This can definitely happen depending on the placement of your pelvis or how you’re isolating each section of muscles. There are a few Taoist practices that help you learn how to turn the egg around or spin it inside of the vagina or even use two jade eggs and take one deeper while pushing one further down near the opening.
It’s all a part of the exploration, but it’s normal for this to happen. You can also do practices that focus on each section, especially the cervix so you can move the egg around.
I actually have a whole module focused on awakening the power of the cervix in Jade Awakening because we carry so much pain and numbness in the cervix, but once you unlock it you also increase or awaken the potential for deeper healing, pleasure and cervical orgasms. Not to mention more control near your cervix in general, which can satisfy your partner as well if they have a cock.
When my egg travels up to my cervix I sometimes feel it and other times not. When I feel it it causes pain and discomfort in general. Should I keep it in during these times or remove it? Is it part of the healing process?
This is a great question and usually you’ll find the spectrum going from having numbness to experiencing pain then onto different layers of pleasure. Because of the way the cervix is positioned and how much trauma or shame can be stored there, it usually takes a little more time and deeper work to awaken the pleasure there.
Because we don’t usually feel our vaginas or even our vulvas, we have to move through the numbness and you might find some deeply repressed pain stored in the tissue once the numbness dissipates, but as you keep going over time you’ll find pleasure is on the other side of that pain and numbness.
Something that can help you heal sexually, whether it’s your g-spot or the cervix is to keep the jade egg, a dildo or even your lover’s cock positioned at the spot or region of pain and just hold it there while breathing. This rewires your brain’s neural pathways and calms your nervous system to create safety, healing and openness.
Those are some of the common questions I get around the jade egg and the practice! If you have any other questions, you can comment below and I’ll do my best to answer them, however, there is a lot of valuable information and practices in my jade egg ebook and that I also teach in my salon so if you want more info on that, just download the ebook and you’ll also get an exciting, exclusive and super juicy sneak peek of the salon that I’m only sharing with the women on my email list.
I also created a brand new Jade Egg Video Salon for you, which is FREE 3-part video series that will take you on a journey through the power and beauty of using a jade egg to awaken vaginal pleasure, harness your sexual energy and connect you back to your deeply erotic and highly orgasmic nature as a woman. You can sign up for that here.
Feel free to share this video or post with any women in your life, subscribe to my channel to get notified of my weekly video and I’ll be back next week with an easy, but super pleasurable jade egg practice for beginner’s that you can start practicing right away.
Sending you love!