I fell in love with the jade egg about two years ago and since adopting it as a regular practice, amazing things have shifted for me in my body and life.
I really believe that every woman should have a jade egg practice because too many women are suffering right now sexually, emotionally and spiritually.
Too many women are not having deep vaginal orgasms (or even orgasms at all).
Too many women are settling in so many areas of their lives because they’re not tapped into their erotic power, pelvis or pussy.
The jade egg helps us beyond just strengthening the vagina or expanding our orgasms. Although that’s gold in itself, but just like with everything, the deeper you go into it, the deeper your results and experience will be.
In today’s video I’m going to share with you 5 reasons why I believe every woman should have a jade egg and be doing a regular jade egg practice. Watch below to learn more:
If you want to know what the jade egg is, how it’s used or some of the benefits, CLICK HERE for my other videos, podcasts and articles on the jade egg. I have a whole plethora of resources for you!!
You can watch my video A Sexual Practice to Have Your First (or Best) Orgasm for more on how the jade egg is a practice of true surrender. Or my video How You Are in the Bedroom is How You Are in Life.
You can also download a free copy of my jade egg ebook Awaken Your Erotic Power Using a Jade Egg here.
In this ebook you’ll learn the secrets of the sexual practice that will help you awaken your sensuality, embody your pleasure & find erotic ecstasy in your body as a woman. You’ll also:
- Experience deeper, more fulfilling orgasms & states of pleasure in your body & sexual relationships.
- Awaken, cultivate & harness your creative, sexual energy so you can magnetize your desires with ease.
- Feel sensually alive, TURNED ON & deeply in love with your body & yoni.
I also have a really exciting sneak peek coming to my email list only so make sure to join here so you can get exclusive invites and information on what’s coming!
If you prefer to read rather than watch, you can read the transcript below:
One of my favorite topics to talk about is the jade egg practice. In today’s video I’m going to share with you 5 reasons that I believe every woman should have a jade egg and be doing a regular jade egg practice.
If you want to know what the jade egg is, how it’s used or some of the benefits, you can click the link below for my other videos, podcasts and articles on the jade egg.
I’ve been absolutely fascinated by the jade egg practice for almost two years now and it’s easily one of my favorite rituals to do myself and recommend for my clients. I love it so much that I created a jade egg online course for women called the Jade Awakening Salon, which will be opening again for enrollment in early October.
The jade egg has helped me tap back into my erotic power, sexual energy and connect with my pussy again in a more empowered way. I know several of my clients who feel the same way about their jade egg. They’ve fallen in love with the practice and for very good reason. So allow me to share 5 reasons why every woman should have a jade egg practice:
#1 It heals incontinence & increases circulation & blood flow in the entire pelvis. Most women don’t know the detriment that we face when it comes to our pelvic floor. We haven’t been properly educated or informed about the power of a woman’s pelvis, vulva and vagina or even how to care for it over the years.
A lot of women suffer from incontinence or leaky bladder when they sneeze or laugh too hard. Sometimes it’s from childbirth, disease or even from sitting on our pelvis a certain way for years, which displaces our pelvic floor.
The jade egg works as an internal massage that not only does just that, but also creates supple strength. It also trains you to isolate each section of the vagina so you can have deeper pleasure and more satisfying orgasms, like g-spot or cervical.
#2 It awakens neural, pleasure and energy pathways that most of us don’t know even exist inside of your vagina and even your whole physical and energy body, brain and breasts. The jade egg practice brings you deep into one of the most sensitive and possibly painful or numb regions of your body–your vagina and allows you to create new neural pathways between your brain and the tissue in your vulva and vagina saying that sensation and pleasure are happening there.
This means you’ll have more lubrication and flow in between your legs, higher arousal levels and a delicious sex drive and more pleasure that comes from stimulating your vulva and vagina, whereas before you may have felt pain or even nothing at all. It basically re-sensitizes your vagina and awakens your pleasure again.
Since the jade egg stirs up your sexual energy, or chi as the Taoists called it, you’ll be able to take that sexual energy from just being localized in your yoni and raise it into your whole body, which only creates more pathways for healing, sexual arousal and overall vitality.
#3 It allows you to tap into your full orgasmic potential as an erotic woman. Like I mentioned in reason #1 the jade egg trains you to isolate each section of the vagina so you can have deeper pleasure and more satisfying orgasms, like g-spot or cervical.
Your vagina is divided into three sections. The first section is the opening which is the entrance, then you have the middle section, which typically houses what is known as the g-spot, although for some women it may be closer to the entrance or even deeper towards the cervix. The third and deepest section of your pussy is your cervix.
The cervix is the lowest part of your uterus and it has a small slit in it, called and os, which allows sperm to enter during ovulation or menstrual blood to release during your period.
It’s impossible for the jade egg to pass your cervix, by the way. I get asked all of the time if it can get stuck or lost and the cervix will keep your jade egg in your vaginal canal.
Most women have no idea how limited they are in their current sexual and orgasmic experiences. I know many women and clients who’ve never had an orgasm before at all or have only had quick or weak clitoral orgasms. Don’t get me wrong–I love clitoral orgasms, but you can consider them a tasty appetizer.
The deeper you go into your yoni, the deeper you go into your pleasure, sexual energy, orgasmic potential and WHO you are as a woman, spiritually and emotionally speaking.
You can have g-spot orgasms, cervical and even through using the jade egg you can experience whole body, energy or chakra orgasms. This is all stuff I teach in my salon. It all comes down to working with the vaginal muscles as a pleasurable way to pump your sexual energy up and learning to move your sexual energy with your mind’s eye and breath. If you can move your sexual energy somewhere in your body, then you can have an orgasm there.
Reason #4 It unblocks sexual energy. Having stuck sexual energy is a serious ailment. A lot of women experience stuck or blocked sexual energy in their pelvis, especially in the womb or inside of the vagina like in the g-spot or cervix.
This might mean you experience pain during sex, numbness, heavy periods that are painful, ovarian cysts, fibroids, irregular periods, infertility or incontinence to name some.
All of the common (or even not so common) pelvic issues we experience as women are typically a result of blocked or stuck sexual energy. Using a jade egg helps you learn how to open to the flow of sexual energy that is normally there and move it so that it’s not concentrated or stuck in a specific area in your body, whether it’s in your pelvis or in a specific chakra.
#5 It teaches you surrender. In my video titled A Sexual Practice to Have Your First (or Best) Orgasm I talk about how the jade egg is really a practice of surrender and deep trust. I’ll link it below so you can watch it, but it’s such truth. If there is one thing the jade egg has taught me it’s that it’s safe to surrender.
Surrender to my pleasure, sexual energy, orgasm and even myself or a lover. If you’re single the jade egg will help you surrender and trust yourself and prepare you for the day when you feel like opening to someone else sexually and intimately.
If you’re in a committed relationship, it will teach you how to surrender to yourself AND your partner, which enhances and increases intimacy, desire, communication and pleasure during lovemaking with them.
One of the biggest blocks keeping a woman from orgasming, especially with a partner is this fear of total surrender. I mean the kind of surrender where you let it all go. You let yourself become lost in the full sensation of pleasure, of love, and the connection of intimacy and oneness.
The jade egg practice also teaches you how to surrender in life by opening deeper to pleasure that is available to us outside of just the bedroom. Which by the way, I believe that we are the same woman inside and outside of the bedroom, which is deeply erotic. You can watch my video How You Are in the Bedroom is How You Are in Life for more on that.
So those are my 5 reasons why every woman should have a jade egg. I really do believe that it’s one of the most pleasurable and valuable practices a woman can have if you can’t tell that by now. I hope this has enlightened you to begin or deepen a jade egg practice.
If you’re interested in doing that, you can download a complimentary copy of my jade egg ebook Awaken Your Erotic Power Using a Jade Egg. You’ll also get notified of when enrollment opens for my salon again in October PLUS an exclusive sneak peek into something exciting I’m sharing with my email list only as we get closer to the opening date. So if you want to get in on it and stay in the know, sign up for your free ebook.
I’d love it if you shared this with any women you know who might be on the fence about using a jade egg or intrigued by the practice.
I release a new video each week and I’ll be sharing much more on the jade egg over the next month or so, including one of my favorite jade egg routines that I practice regularly so if you want to get notified, feel free to subscribe to my channel.
I would love it if you commented below and tell me which reason is calling to you the most right now or if you already have a practice, what’s your favorite reason a woman should start?