I want to invite you into a really beautiful, sacred experience with me for seven days…
I present to you 7 Days of Sensual Self-Love
7 Days of Sensual Self-Love is a mini email course and sensual experience for women who want to use their sensuality to fall in love with their bodies and cultivate full, loving, orgasmic hearts. Interested? Join here.
You can also watch the video below for more details.
Here’s what we’re playing with during 7 Days of Sensual Self-Love:
Day #1 Connect to Your Body, Heart & Sensuality
Day #2 Open Your Heart
Day #3 Cultivate a Sensual, Orgasmic Heart
Day #4 Awaken Your Inner Erotic Lover
Day #5 Embody Your Sensual, Orgasmic Heart
Day #6 Write a Love Letter
Day #7 Invite Pleasure In & Over-flow with Sensual Self-Love
You’ll also get access to join the Sensually Embodied Woman™ Sisterhood on Facebook!
Invite your sensual soul sisters and let’s play! Join here, lover.
Technically it starts tomorrow 2/8, but you can join anytime and it’s free! Let’s fill our hearts with some medicinal, sensual self-love!
What are you hoping to tap into or awaken during 7 Days of Sensual Self-Love? Let’s set an intention together!