Your sex magic rituals & manifestation practices are about to get 1000x more effective with these 4 tips.

If you use these 4 tips consistently, your life WILL shift.

I’ve been practicing sex magic rituals PLUS these tips for over 8 years & guided thousands of women in doing the same. 

To not only experience internal shifts that make us feel more powerful. 

But to also have external results like $20k months, hotter sex, multiple orgasms, dreamy opportunities, promotions & more!

I’d love for you to SUBSCRIBE to my new channel on YouTube.

*NOTE: I previously had a YouTube channel for 6 years with 38k subscribers, but YouTube deleted it in 2020.


Here’s a breakdown:

1. Do sex magic rituals CONSISTENTLY

This is not just a one & done ritual where you sit back passively waiting for life to change for you.

Here’s a sample schedule to make it easy for you:

Do sex magic once per week (1-2 hours).

Do a daily 10 to 20-minute erotic practice where you feel the same feelings you cultivate in your rituals.

2. Understand HOW it works & why it’s so effective.

The benefit I want you to focus on right now is how it supports your nervous system in perceiving a new reality with safety & familiarity.

What you’ve never done before is unfamiliar & unsafe.

When you do sex magic, you feel your desire as done.

It becomes familiar & your nervous system no longer sees it as a threat to protect you from.

3. Make sure WHO you’re being & HOW you’re being is the same INSIDE & OUTSIDE of the ritual.

If you do sex magic on $20k months, but then outside of the ritual you avoid looking at your bank account, don’t take money making actions, let yourself spiral into doubt & don’t believe you can have $20k months…

That’s not congruent — so make sure the actions you take & behaviors you have SUPPORT how you feel during the rituals.

The next step is ESSENTIAL but also the most commonly overlooked.

4. Take daily actions TOWARDS what you desire.

Baby steps build & compound every single day.

Every action matters no matter how “insignificant” or simple it seems.

Do these 4 things consistently? And you’ll experience shifts that happen faster & more sustainably.

Want to be guided through sex magic rituals & experience your power as a sex witch?

Join us for THE ritual of the year SEX WITCH…a 2-part LIVE sex magic ritual to reclaim your erotic power & magic as a sex witch.