Some of my most memorable sexual experiences with my partner have been when we’ve been able to circulate sexual energy. 

I’ll admit that I’m more devoted to regular sexual energy work than he is, but the amazing thing is that sex can become more fulfilling and pleasurable whether your partner practices sexual energy circulation techniques or not.

If you’re self pleasuring then the same thing applies. If you can harness your sexual energy from your genitals and circulate it up into the rest of your body and back down continuously then your sexual experience will expand beyond just being limited to the genitals. 

Now if you and your partner are both down to play with circulating sexual energy together, then your sexual experience will only amplify and become more mind-blowing, heart-opening and ecstatically orgasmic. 

In today’s video I’m going to share 3 really powerful techniques you can do together to build sexual energy in the bedroom. And as you may already know (and if you don’t, now you do) who we are in the bedroom is who we are outside of the bedroom.

The more we harness our sexual energy inside of the bedroom the more we can channel and use it outside of the bedroom. 

As always, if you’re single I challenge you to still practice and apply these to your solo sexual relationship. Cultivating sexual energy is a very potent and life-changing practice to commit to each day so never underestimate the importance of doing the work on yourself. 

Alright, let’s get into the 3 ways you can build sexual energy in the bedroom for hotter sex, more fulfilling orgasms and deeper connection and pleasure! 

You can watch that video below. (Also – I’m super excited about my new DSLR camera! I’m still learning how to use it, but I’m enjoying the boost in my video quality.) 

If you want to learn more about creating a solo sexual ritual through the jade egg practice to build sexual energy and keep arousal simmering in your day, download my ebook, 7 Jade Egg Secrets for Deeper Vaginal Pleasure & Orgasms.

I have practices in this ebook designed to help awaken your sexual energy and open your body for deeper healing, pleasure and sexual fulfillment. You’ll find breast massage, breathing exercises and jade egg practices. All of these rituals will build sexual energy and arousal within you, which can translate into your partnered sex life.

I would love for you to share this video with any woman (or your lover!) in your life to spread the sexual energy love! You can subscribe to my YouTube channel here to stay updated with my weekly video.

You can also come play with me on Instagram or join my private Facebook group for women only. 

I’d love for you to comment below and let me know what sexual energy practice you want to try tonight! Don’t delay. Put it in your calendar, set a timer and practice with yourself and/or your partner(s)!

With so much love,
